Chapter 34

"Fifty bucks says there's a bun in the oven by the end of the year."

Ty Brooks pulled his attention away from scanning the busy reception hall and arched a brow at his friend. "Are you seriously betting on Harrison's love life?"

Sebastian Donnelly shrugged. "I mean, we've bet on stranger things than this."

That was true enough. In the field, when they'd worked missions involving endless waiting and recon, they'd bet on all kinds of stuff to pass the time. Including which cockroach would make it across their bunker faster. Sometimes that had been the only levity during days or weeks of grueling conditions. None of them were Rangers anymore, but old habits died hard.

Porter Ingram, always the voice of reason, tipped back his beer. "They look happy. That's the important thing."

Ty's gaze skated back to Harrison and Ivy, now executing some kind of complicated twirling dance. Was that The Shag?