Chapter 33


"I hate weddings."

Paisley Parish glanced over as a bridesmaid flopped down at the other end of the settee in a cloud of celadon skirts. The blonde slipped off painful-looking heels and began to massage her arches.

Paisley offered her a moue of sympathy. "I might hate the shoes, but I love weddings themselves. Is there anything more romantic and hopeful than two people vowing to love, honor, and cherish each other forever?" With a sigh, she glanced back at the dance floor, where Ivy and Harrison circled in their own little world.

Her companion grimaced. "I'm kind of soured on the idea after my divorce. My ex seemed to think those vows were more like suggestions than actual promises."

Paisley lifted her glass. "Then he was a douchecanoe, and you are well rid of him."

"He was indeed. But he effectively proved that men are more trouble than they're worth."