Chapter 37

"I'd like hash browns, smothered and covered, with two eggs scrambled and a side of toast." Paisley stuck her laminated menu back into the condiment caddy.

Ty smiled at their waitress, an older woman with a beehive of blonde hair that wasn't too far off from the iconic yellow on the diner's sign. Her name tag read Gloria, and Paisley decided she needed to go in a book. "I'm feeling adventurous. Hash browns, all the way, and two eggs sunny side up."

"You got it sweet cheeks." As Gloria turned away, she met Paisley's gaze, waggled her brows and blew out a silent puff of air in a message that clearly said, Oo, girl, he is smokin', and you are one lucky woman.

She certainly hoped to be before the end of the night.

The sizzle between them hadn't dimmed a watt since they'd left the reception. If anything, it had amped up when they'd slid in on opposite sides of a booth at Waffle House. Exactly where they'd come after the homecoming dance that night.