Chapter 38

Ty trailed Paisley into the house and, riding the wave of lust, turned to press her back against the door, caging her in with his body.

She stretched up against him with a purr. "I like where this is going, but we're going to have to press pause for just a few minutes."


A volley of barking interrupted her response.

"That's why."

The dog came racing around the corner, a blur of tawny fur, its paws slipping on the hardwood floors as it scrambled to get to Paisley. Ty immediately backed off, not sure whether the animal would view him as a threat. With a joyful yip, it launched itself at him, planting its front paws on Ty's chest and trying desperately to lick him.

"There's my total failure as a guard dog," Paisley cooed. "Down. Down, Duke. Mind your manners."