Chapter 39

Ty stared down at her with hungry eyes, but still he radiated uncertainty. Sweet, sexy man. She could address that.

"I haven't been a virgin for a very long time, as you well know. I won't break, Ty." She nipped at his mouth, hoping the little sting would reassure him. "Take me."

She felt the moment his tether snapped. He hauled her to her toes, savaging her mouth until she was unbalanced and breathless, as desperate as he was. It was glorious. His big, broad hands were everywhere, sliding beneath the hem of her dress to cup her ass and press her against his straining erection. She wanted skin on skin, wanted the flex and strain of muscle over her, in her. Spearing her hands in his hair, she dragged him closer, feeling a dark satisfaction at his groan.

Tearing his mouth away, Ty trailed it down the column of her throat. His lips were a fever as they claimed her, and she dropped her head back to give him better access.

And she heard the jingle of dog tags.

"Wait," she gasped.