Chapter 40

Ty woke tangled with a warm, naked woman. Paisley lay all but boneless against him, her hand over his heart, legs twined with his. His face was bent close to the riotous waves of her hair, as if he needed the comfort of her scent even in sleep. It was a helluva delicious scent, all mingled with his. The combination made him feel smug and possessive.

He'd stayed the night.

Did it even count? They'd barely slept, turning to each other again and again, until just before the thin rim of dawn began to peek through the window. Passing out from sheer exhaustion wasn't exactly a true choice. It was more like a nap.

But the truth was, he'd have chosen to stay anyway. He'd wanted to wake up with her like this. It was an indulgence they'd never had in high school, one he'd always craved. He had no business craving it now. No business indulging in anything when it came to Paisley Parish. But he couldn't find it in him to regret last night.

The dog scratched at the door, whining.