Chapter 41

The moment the back door opened, Duke rocketed out, making a lap around the perimeter of the yard before sniffing out the perfect spot to do his business. Paisley hugged herself against the chill. Her whole body felt deliciously loose and used. So very well used.

Ty had stayed.

In truth, she hadn't quite expected that he would, which was why she'd embraced her inner sex goddess and kept him busy as long as physically possible. He'd been as insatiable as she, but Paisley couldn't quite shake the idea that he'd been running from something in her bed last night. He'd lost himself in her. Not that she was complaining. He'd learned a thing or three since he was eighteen. This growly, dominant version of him was totally working for her. She'd need to soak for a week if she expected to walk properly, but that would be after another orgasm or three. If she was being greedy, who could blame her? He'd grown up hot AF and knew what to do with it.