SAFELY ENSCONCED BACK IN Jo, it was all Riley could do not to hyperventilate. What the hell had she done? In what world was it actually a good idea to face this head on? To invite him to dinner to talk about the past on purpose?
The heat had fried her brain. That was it. She was under the influence of dehydration and the sight of all his muscles in action. Between that and feeling gooey toward him over all the nice things he'd done, she'd suffered a massive lapse in judgment.
There was no way out of it. You didn't cancel a thank you dinner. Postponement wouldn't help anything. If she never went through with it, she'd look bitchy and ungrateful. Which meant her only possible option to potentially avoid this conversation was distraction.
She thought of what Autumn had said about Drool Night and picked up the phone. "I need your help."
Autumn was waiting when Riley got back to the duplex.
"I've lost my mind."