GOT A JOB. :) :) :)
RILEY stared at her mother's text from last night. She still hadn't answered. What was the right response? Was it true? Or was Sharilyn just telling Riley what she wanted to hear? And if it was true, what kind of job was it? What on earth sort of work could she have found in less than twenty-four hours? Was it horrible? Did she want Riley to ask just so she could play martyr and show what new lows she'd sunk to in order to garner sympathies and force Riley to roll right on past the new boundary she'd set and rescue her again? Okay, maybe that was over-thinking. If it was horrible, she probably wouldn't have added the smiley faces. But Riley couldn't make herself call to get the details. She was too afraid of what she might hear. Her faith in her own resolve was running thin. But she had to say something.
Proud of you. Take care.