AT THE SOUND OF the shot, Liam rocketed awake, the Ruger in his hand before his eyes had even fully opened. But no one stood in his room. Beside him, Riley still slept, whole and unharmed, other than the bruise that shadowed her cheek in the pale dawn light.
Shouldn't have watched the surveillance video.
The only reason Judd had showed him at all was because Riley had kicked ass. But Liam's brain had spent the night playing the footage on repeat, with every possible way the situation could've gone wrong. Easing back, he replaced the pistol on the nightstand and scrubbed a hand over his face, as if that would erase the images still bright in his mind.
Thunder rolled, no doubt the sound that woke him. Rain began to ping against the window and lash against the roof in gusts. He loved a good thunderstorm. He wished it were a normal day after a normal night, when he could sweet talk Riley into playing hooky and staying in bed, cocooned from the world.