"OKAY, YOU'VE HAD A good three hours to sulk. Tell me what's wrong."
Liam scowled at his mother. "I'm not sulking."
"Brooding then." She sat down beside him on the porch swing. "Did you and Riley have a fight? I could tell something was off with her when I left."
"The only thing wrong is that she's the most stubborn woman on the goddamned planet."
Molly nodded. "A fight then. It was bound to happen sometime. You're both strong-willed people."
"Remind me why I thought that was an attractive trait in a woman?"
She laughed. "Because a pushover would be boring. What did you fight about?"
"She found out I helped her mom out with the up-front costs to lease the apartment and got pissed."
"Found out? As in, you didn't tell her you were going to do this?" Her tone said everything he needed to know about what she thought about that plan.