Chapter 51

" - JOLENE HELPS HIM USE that GPS app to track Mariah's phone, and she's down by the trail to the springs. So Larry goes out there, and what do you think she was doing out there in broad day at high noon?"

Tyler's eyes were peeled appropriately wide with anticipation as she continued to bag up her customer's purchase. "What?"

"Charlie Kingston! In a car! Can you imagine? Larry caught them in flagrante. I had it from Betsy Newman down at the police station that they nearly came to blows. Charlie's almost twice her age and balding. I just can't imagine what she thought she was doing."

Brody felt his lips twitch as he stepped up to the counter. "I expect she didn't realize discretion went the way of the dodo with the invention of smartphones."

"Why Brody Jensen, as I live and breathe. You come right over here and give me some sugar."