SHE was never nervous.
But tonight... Tonight was the rehearsal of the cast party engagement scene. Tonight she'd kiss Brody. Kissing Tucker wouldn't have been a big deal. Like kissing her brother. Just exactly the kind of 1950s TV peck the role called for. She wouldn't feel anything kissing Tucker.
But Brody... There was too much history, too much chemistry between them. She'd seen it in his face that night at the hotel. Yet he hadn't acted on it. And part of her had been grateful for the fact that he hadn't pushed the issue and made her confront this.
Now, however, she'd have to confront it head on. With an audience. Awesome.
It would be fine. She would be fine. It was just a scene in a play. She was just a character. She popped a breath mint and stepped into the auditorium.