ACROSS THE STAGE, GENERAL Waverly stood, menus in hand, while Bob, Phil, and the Haynes sisters dined and discussed how to help him. Just as Bob rose to go place the call to bring the show to Pine Tree, a long, low groan echoed through the theater.
"What the hell was that?" Piper asked, stepping fully out of character.
"Obviously it's the ghost of old Mr. Stanton himself opining about how that scene was running," Nate said, "which was terrible. Brody, if you could take your eyes off Tyler for five seconds and actually play your part, we'd all appreciate it."
Tyler looked over at him, startled, a pretty pink flush creeping across her cheeks. Brody could only grin at her. No sense in pretending remorse he didn't feel. But he saluted the director. "Yes, boss."
"Again, from the top."
Brody took his position, started the scene over. He did his best to stay in character, to look where he was supposed to look, say what he was supposed to say. But his mind was full of Tyler.