"DARLING, I WISH YOU'D just let me make some phone calls - "
"Mom, no," Cecily insisted. "I'm not capitalizing on family connections to get a job."
"It doesn't diminish your achievements. It just opens the door. That's how things work in the business world. You use the connections you have."
Cecily resisted the urge to bang her head against her desk. "That's not how I want to work. I'm doing this on my own."
Her mother's frustration was palpable in the silence on the other end of the phone. "So stubborn," she said at last.
"I come by it honestly from both sides."
"Via multiple generations," her mother agreed. "Fine. But since you haven't yet started a new position, you're free to come home for the gala for the Alliance. We could use your professional expertise to get the word out to prospective donors, and it would be good for you to be seen."