"OOOHOO," REED CROWED, "THE look on her face! That was absolutely priceless." As they strolled back toward the car to drop off her purchases, he gave her shoulders another squeeze. "The ring was an especially nice touch. Where'd that come from, anyway?"
"It was my grandmother's. I inherited it when she passed." Cecily shifted the antique diamond and ruby ring back to her right hand.
Reed blew a kiss toward the sky. "Thank you, Grandma, for your participation in tonight's caper. Man, Norah told me you'd done some acting, but I had no idea you were that good."
Cecily bit the inside of her lip. He thought she'd made it all up. Damn. This is going to be harder than I thought. "Reed, it wasn't an act."
"What are you talking about? Of course it was an act. And it was brilliantly executed. I don't think she'd have been any more impressed if you'd been the Queen Mother."