Chapter 97

"OKAY, I'M CALLING IT. I can't possibly cram in any more questions or choreography tonight."

"Sure?" Tucker asked, whipping her into a spin.

Corinne stumbled, lost her footing, and ended up plastered up against his chest, her arms clutching his shoulders. Exactly what he'd intended.

"Whoa there. I've got you."

She blinked up at him, her pupils blown wide. One corner of her mouth quirked as she regained her footing and stepped away from him, bracing her hands on her thighs as she worked to catch her breath. He could pretend it was from more than the dancing, right?

Tucker handed over a bottle of water and chugged one of his own. "It's a good start. You've got all the components. We just need to work on putting them all together. And it sounds like you're better prepared for your test than you thought. I might even be able to answer a fair chunk of that test now."