SOMEHOW, SOMEWHERE, TUCKER HAD made a serious misstep.
It wasn't the kiss. Either of them. Corinne had been on board both times. He didn't think it had anything to do with hanging out with his friends. She'd made it through the experience like a champ and even enjoyed herself. It wasn't last night's rehearsal either. No question she'd been grateful for the drill session on her exam material. And she'd gone downright misty-eyed on finding out he'd picked Star Wars music for Kurt. Their rehearsal had gone well, with Corinne picking up the components of the routine without a problem. They weren't quite polished yet, but with most of a week left until the performance, he wasn't worried there.
But he'd woken up to a text this morning saying she had to cancel rehearsal tonight. His first thought was that something had happened to Kurt, and he'd asked as much. But after assuring him Kurt was fine, Corinne had gone radio silent.