Tucker looked up from the brief he'd been staring at for the past forty-five minutes to find Tyler in the doorway of his office. He automatically saved the file and rose to come around the desk for a hug. "I've been busy."
"We've all been busy with our respective rehearsals, but nobody's seen hide nor hair of you since your talk with Piper last week."
Which implied everyone else had gotten together without him and discussed the nature of that talk. Super.
"I'm not avoiding you." Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Tyler dropped into one of the club chairs. "I can see the smoke coming off your ass, Tuck."
He rolled his eyes and kicked back against the front of his desk. "I've just been focused on the competition."
"Right." Evidently deciding to drop the subject, she relaxed back into the chair. "Y'all's Charleston was spot on."
"Wish I could've said the same about Brody and Adele's tango."