"Well, look who decided to show up." From his chair at the poker table set up on his screened in porch, Judd jerked a thumb toward the house. "There's beer and pizza."
Mitch saluted him and the rest of the gathered players before heading inside. He deposited his own six-pack in the fridge and grabbed one of the cold long-necks before loading up a paper plate with pizza from Speakeasy and carrying it back outside. He took the chair between Liam and Reuben Blanchard, who wore the dealer's hat.
"The prodigal son returns!" Liam crowed. "We were beginning to think you'd abandoned us."
Mitch so wasn't about to address the fact that he hadn't actually been to poker night since before his trip to Europe, so he'd take the ribbing as his due. "Yeah, yeah. It's good to see y'all, too." He twisted off the top and took a pull on his beer. "Cam's got a City Council meeting. Ethan coming?"