Tears streamed down Tess's cheeks, and her throat ached from crying.
Beside her, Mitch clicked stop on the rolling credits. "You actually like this movie? Why?"
She sniffed and sat up, reaching for the box of tissues on the coffee table. "It's a classic, and sometimes you just need a good cry."
"Maybe this is the girl version of needing a good fight to blow off some steam. I feel like I need to marathon all the Die Hards to make up for that."
"There are worse ways to spend a Saturday night. I'm game. But I want to go call my mom first." She rose to head upstairs, but Mitch grabbed her hips and pulled her close to press a kiss to her belly.
"Does Eugenia Delphine want popcorn when she comes back?"
"Obi-Wan Kal-el will never turn down popcorn."
His look of adoration was almost, almost as good as the words she'd yet to hear. He pressed a kiss to her palm and let her go. "I'll make it and get the movie set up while you chat with your mom."
"I may be a while," Tess warned.