Fog was all she saw. It was thicker than she had seen previously. Her body almost felt it. She was anxious as she had no idea what the fog held. She tried to peer between the layers but saw nothing. She heard nothing. She felt nothing.
“It will be alright, my child.”
“Sakari? Is that you?”
“What is happening?”
“You’re growing stronger.”
“How can you say that? What do you mean? The last I remember is pain. My baby! Is my baby alright?”
“Shhh. No need to panic. All will be right. You’re strong. You can pull it all together.”
“What do you mean?”
“Focus. Look straight ahead.”
“But I see nothing. Only fog.”
She looked hard into the fog. Slowly a shape formed. As it materialized, she saw a mountain standing strong up through the clouds. Its rigid sides were graced with greenery and wildlife.
“See. You have found it.”