Dealing With the Devil

The intensity of the heat could be felt long before he arrived. It engulfed him before he actually arrived in the fire pit. If Jolon had been in his physical body, his skin would have been scorched beyond recognition and his insides would have melted. Hell was not a party like most mortals thought. Those who actually wanted to live in such a place were fools, but not him. That was why he had made a deal. It gave him the advantage without having to live in intense pain and heat. He preferred to inflict it.

The trip from the physical world to the depths below was not quick and easy as most would think or have believed if their books and movies showed anything. His spirit didn’t move as fast as he would have liked. Because he was still tied to a mortal body, it was harder for him to move about in that realm than anyone who was completely spirit. There were some drawbacks to the life he chose.