After hearing the story, I understood my grandpa's point of view. After dinner I browsed internet on cases of burns with no trace of fuel.
I got a few plausible cases: first electricity, burns by water in skin boiling. But it left the mark on the terminals, where power was connected. Second, radiation, this was same as electricity but on larger scale as well as faster. But it also left radiation in cells underneath the skin. Third, fire from outside the body, such as blow torches.
All these were tested on food/ chicken meat; blow torch seemed to be the only way to burn without trace, though it will be very small. This case can only be found by direction and size of burns.
I concluded that electricity will be caught, so will be radiation as it's difficult to control that amount of radiation easily. Fire was a different case; it could have been cause only if there were burnt things around the bodies too. So this seemed to be a newer case of burns.
My grandpa ordered me to go to sleep rather than sitting in front of the fire, so I put the fire out and went to my room. I goggled big blow torch, and after a few good minutes of searching, I got my answer, a flamethrower (yayyyyL).
Ok, if a flamethrower was used then there should be an open area, or else there will be burn marks on everything around. So I estimated that if the death was prior to burns, then they died by carbon dioxide. And if there was no fuel trace, it could have been methane. But then it snapped, if Ryan was born in 2002, he can't be 18 yet! (It was 2019).
So I woke through the night, calculating Ryan's age, but I turned to be 17 this year. How?
Next day, I asked my grandma about Ryan's age and if she had mistaken anything, but instead I got lectured for half an hour as my grandpa knew I was awake the whole time. Later when he was out, I and my grandma were washing dishes; she explained that it was all in a book written by Ryan. He was a prodigy at writing, his early stories comprised of fairy tales and fantasy, but slowly they got darker as well as realistic.
On his 14th birthday, he announced his two part novel which will be released on his 16th and 18th birthday officially. This book was rumored to be a prophecy from Ryan. Then my grandma showed me the book written by Ryan. Its title was –"the day I forgot...." She ordered me not tell this to grandpa.