The plane flew into the sky, but Lin Zhu's heart flew higher than the plane when he heard that Ye Quan didn't want to be left alone.

What was so special about the words that the ugly toad had just said? Lin Zhu didn't even know why his heart was pounding just because of what Ye Quan had just said. However, his focus right now shouldn't be on how his heart was reacting to the man's words, and he should pay attention to something else instead.

"How did you know about my plan to leave the team if we failed to reach the semifinals?" Lin Zhu asked while trying to calm his heart so as not to continue flying higher than the plane.

Ye Quan shouldn't know about it because he made his decision when he was only with Lu Mei, Cheng Xiaojian, and Zhang Wei a week ago. Back then, even the three people couldn't accept his decision, but in the end, he forced them to say yes.