Lin Zhu asked a few questions, but Ye Quan only answered in three words. However, those three words had enough power to launch Lin Zhu's heart out of the atmosphere after flying in the blue sky ever since Ye Quan asked him not to leave it.

Perhaps it was a hyperbolic way of describing his feelings, but he wouldn't lie that his heart reacted strongly the moment he heard Ye Quan's confession.

That was a confession, right? Lin Zhu was not an inexperienced person, he had confessed and been confessed before. However, never once did that kind of event happened when he was on the plane, and that was why he felt unreal when he heard Ye Quan's words.

Moreover, even if Ye Quan clearly said those three words, there was still doubt in his heart. He was sure his heart was still working normally, but what made him doubt was the man's sincerity.