Corpse monster

Dean ran through the store searching for supplies or clues. He focused his mind to not wander and reminisce about the past, he had a goal to achieve so he couldn't become distracted.


The rift into the mirror dimension appeared at those words and Dean chucked the supplies he could find into it. He had begun further testing when he had found that the corpse of a spiderling he had previously thrown in was still inside the room. Dean quickly decided to use the room as a dimensional storage. The room would always stay the same wherever Dean opened the rift, although the location changed the contents inside the room stayed the same undamaged. Dean had also previously thrown his guns inside the dimension before meeting Kang Sora, it was one reason why she had underestimated his strength.

If one was to look at Dean, they wouldn't think that he was anything special. His attire was simple although he was still imposing with his face and black coat, his bag didn't look to carry anything valuable. The only noticeable thing that would catch someone's eyes was the obsidian-like spear that he carried. Although widows fury looked menacing it paled in comparison to if he carried guns. People might find trouble for him intending to snatch the guns, although fury was probably a more reliable weapon most people wouldn't fight him just for this, another thing could be said about guns. Though Dean could kill them easily he would rather avoid the trouble if he could. He wasn't someone that enjoyed killing others, he would only do it if it helped him achieve his goals.

'This should be enough for some time'

The only problem with what Dean was doing was that he would need to enter the rift and grab whatever he needed individually. His portals didn't work inside that dimension which caused him to take some time to get whatever he needed.

'There's no clues that suggest that monster is hiding here…how could it be moving with it's large body without being noticed?'

Dean slashed fury horizontally and cut a head off a zombie that was blocking the way.

'There's no trail or any damage although it has to move it's large body to find food'

Dean wandered the building entering random doors testing his luck.

He stepped over a corpse that looked like it had puke on its body.

Stabbing another zombie that blocked his way, Dean entered the door. Dean looked around the room and discovered it was a bathroom. He sighed and quickly left the bathroom judging it was pointless.


Dean paused and looked in the room again and a thought appeared in his mind.

'Is it using the sewers to move'

Soon all the information that Dean had gathered started to piece together and form a coherent picture.

'There are rarely any manholes in the alleyways…It also makes sense since since it can move without worrying about it's size, it can move freely in the sewer and use its arms to grab the zombies through the manholes'

'It should also be the reason why it didn't chase Kang Sora after biting her. It couldn't get through the manhole quick enough…The leader of Kang Sora's group also couldn't use his fire ability since the monster would be wet from the sewage'

Dean quickly moved when his thought reached that point. He now knew where it was hiding and couldn't help but be excited. A plan was already forming in his head.


Dean was now standing in the air watching the hordes of zombies he had herded into the street. He had spent the day gathering all the wandering zombies and hordes into this street. It had taken the whole day even with Dean's speed. Gathering the countless zombies in every alleyway was tedious and took a lot of time to kite them into the main streets.

'Now it can only come here if it wants food'

Dean's eyes glimmered with a wicked gleam under the moon's light. 'It' felt pleased at his actions and thoughts of dominance. Dean's will to fight the monster was burning and 'It' had no problem seeing Dean look over the weaklings like a king. 'It' didn't try to take control of Dean this time as 'it' could feel Dean's intentions align with itself.

Dean abruptly and unconsciously let out a furious growl when his senses finally picked up movement.

A large black tentacle looking thing shot out of a manhole in the street. Dean had chosen this street as there was only one manhole which would let Dean easily predict where the monster would appear from.

It grew almost endlessly as it continued to slither out from the sewers. It pulsated and the flesh moved as it's large size struggled to exit the manhole. The surrounding zombies stopped their struggle trying to reach Dean and quickly tried to retreat from the tentacles. Dean couldn't help but think that they looked scared. The horde climbed over each other and didn't seem to move in their organised yet unorderly way as usual.

Dean watched as the tentacle moved and stretched its mass towards the zombies. The moon light shone and Dean quickly felt disgusted at the tentacle. Its flesh was revolting as it was made from different bodies. With Dean's senses he was able to see the mangled corpses and disfigured limbs that made the mass. Puss and other disgusting fluids such as feces from the sewers covered the tentacle and flew around as it moved aiming for a zombie.

'It's eating'

Dean watched as a horrifying mouth appeared and tore at the zombie. The tentacle staggered as if in pleasure and cleanly devoured the rest of the corpse. Dean frowned watching the displeasing sight. As the tentacle's mouth continued to chew the corpse, Dean watched the tentacle grow in size, absorbing the biomass. A new set of limbs appeared on the tentacle and joined its new body of chaos.

'This will be bad if it continues to eat the rest of the zombies'

Dean glanced at the horde that he had gathered and couldn't help but shake his head at his mistake.

'I was too rash…I should've tested everything about it first before making such a radical move…no this was the only sure way that it would appear here'

He stopped thinking about his mistake and soon his focus was upon the monster. The horde had run away which Dean took note of.

'Do zombies know what's stronger than them and know when to run away?'

Thinking back to his fight with Sang Woo and now, Dean couldn't help but think that zombies were smarter than they let on. They might not only just be mindless beasts that try to eat anything. If they could run away by sensing danger, that would mean that they had thoughts of survival. Which meant that they could also have emotions and have more complex thoughts.

'Sigh, Kim Hannah would go crazy if she knew about this'

If word got out that zombies might still have their memories of when they were still human people would become distressed. Scientists would most likely spend their time looking for a cure instead of creating means for survival. If instead they could find the answer to heal the infected instead of killing their loved ones, no doubt they would. Dean had to stop his thoughts there as the monster's upper body had finally managed to squeeze through the manhole.

It's large body was now visible to Dean. Just like it's tentacle-like arm, it's body was also made of dismembered limbs and was also covered in filth. However there were now countless heads that surrounded it's body and each looked demonic. Their eyes were hollow and faces were emaciated allowing Dean to see their pale skin. Blood pulsated around the hulking body causing Dean to frown.

'It's alive?..or is it just copying blood circulation?'

There was no need for the monster to have a circulatory system if it was the same as a zombie.

Dean had previously dissected a zombie and found that the blood had gone stale, with the brain being the source of infection it could forcefully move limbs with an unknown energy. Food and water weren't needed for a zombie and only deterioration was a concern of their immortality besides being killed again.

Dean's eyes concentrated and noticed the blood rush faster as the body moved.

'It is alive'


Dean's eyes went wide and he quickly jumped from his foot hold. The monster had swung it's tentacle at Dean. All of its heads were looking at Dean with their empty eyes. Soon they opened their mouths in unison.


Dean had to cover his ears from the loud screams. All the heads were loudly roaring and Dean had no doubts that they would burst his eardrums. He watched as the ears of the newly merged heads started to bleed profusely and all their eyes started to leak blood.

The corpse monster swung it's tentacle at Dean who was still in the air.

Dean dodged again but this time counter attacked with widow's fury. He stabbed at the flesh with all his might and couldn't help but frown again.

'It's tough'

Fury had pierced the skin but Dean could tell that the muscles were layered heavily and would find trouble to land a meaningful hit. Fury was sharp but the dense muscles of all the bodies it had absorbed were a problem.

Dean created another foot hold almost directly upside down, crouched and tensed his legs to create an explosive force, he then propelled himself towards the body of the monster aiming to check if it's body was also as defensive.

With the speed he was displaying, Dean lifted fury in front of himself like he was an arrow. He didn't need to worry about dodging as the monster hadn't fully squeezed all of itself out from the sewer. He wouldn't have done this attack otherwise.

Dean quickly whizzed through the air with little air resistance. He directly stabbed the body of the monster and felt fury stab deeply. He had to end his thought quickly as he could sense danger. Dean forcefully yanked fury which was deeply pierced in the body and jumped quickly. Smaller tentacles formed from the body and quickly attacked where Dean was previously. The numerous eyes looked at Dean and let out another ear piercing scream.


Dean quickly retreated to mitigate the sound attack as much as possible and to review his attack.

'It should be possible to win…no I'm only winning because it only had one 'arm''

Dean looked at the manhole and judged the monster still had roughly a third trying to wiggle out.

'The rest of the body and the other 'arm' still needs to get free'

Creating a foothold Dean dodged the large tentacle and returned to the sky again by jumping higher and higher from the footholds he created.


Dean quickly retreated inside the rift before the corpse monster could attack him again. He briefly glanced at the corpse monster and decided to quickly plan a way to kill it. His will would no longer allow him to run away from a fight, Dean had grown ever since he was influenced by 'it' and no longer would allow himself to be weak. Him retreating into the rift was temporary.

'It' felt displeasure which caused Dean to frown a little at the separate entity.

'Shut up!...stop interfering with my battles'

'It' growled menacingly at being talked down upon and wanted to tear Dean to pieces from his disrespect.

'Hmph, you're just a beast that only wants to fight and wouldn't be able to fight those stronger than you since you can't think of ways other than a fist fight'


Dean smiled slyly, noticing that the entity stayed quiet by his words and entered the rift.

Dean had little time to think of a tactic to win while he grabs everything he needed. The rift closed when he entered and the corpse monster roared loudly noticing that his opponent had disappeared.

The corpse monster swung it's huge tentacle everywhere destroying the surroundings. It squirmed with more haste to get it's body out so that it can move further.