The search - part one

I could hear Roland's voice calling out to me, his urgent tone causing my head to throb even harder. The news he had just delivered was shocking and I felt myself struggling to process it all.

To make matters worse, Pana's incessant questioning was only adding to my frustration. With an annoyed sigh, I turned to face her, fully intending to demand that she give me some space. But instead of the expected argument, she surprised me with a bright smile and the unexpected news of Wolfe's return.

"My lady, Wolfe came back by himself," she chirped.

"How did that happen?"

"Not sure my lady, it seems he is very familiar with this place. The guards saw him coming from the woods," she said while hugging him in her arms. He looks dirty and quiet.

What had happened to him why is he quiet? Or he is probably sick from staying out all night.

"Pana, I need to go out, take care of him, I will check on him once I'm back," I said looking for my car keys.