The search - part two

When we got to the bar Roland and Betty were already there.

"What took you so long?" Roland asked as soon as I walked toward them. "Nothing, the usual argument with Zaneb," I murmured.

"Anything?" I asked.

"No, but we saw someone else," Betty whispered.

"Who?" I asked casually, I was only interested in one person and that was the mysterious lady.

"Sir Newton, I mean your, uncle Fidel," Roland said almost whispering.

My eyes widened as I folded my fist in anger.  "What did you say?" I howl.

"Yes, but calm down Nancy," Betty said, it was too late to calm down I was already fuming in anger and the rage I was feeling covered me like a shadow. I couldn't control it.

"Where?" I said in a hoarse voice scaring my two best friends.

"Nancy, you need to chill out, he was with his men," Roland whispered as if that was to scare me too bad it didn't.