We meet again

Nancy's POV

"What the hell are you doing here? Who let this girl in here?" Lia frowned.

"Where is Nancy?" A voice mumbled. 

"Oh wait! Is that not flatbread?" Anoki added.

"Who are you calling flatbread?" the voice snaps angrily. 

"You can't see Her Highness right now she is still sleeping but how did you get here?" Mandy whispers.

"Lia, I will deal with you later but now I need to see Nancy right now!" She said.

"Oh, really how do you know my name? You even call her Highness by her name who is this little brat?" Lia mumbled. 

"You wouldn't even believe it if I told you," she whispered. 

"She is a girl from town, you need to leave here," I heard Anoki's voice.

"Not a chance, I'm not leaving without meeting Nancy," the little voice insisted.

"Listen potato flatbread, you need to leave now," Anoki warns.

"My name is Briana, not potato flatbread!" The little voice yells.