Big plan

Baby's POV

"But he is not here right?" I asked. He can't be here. I can't deal with him all over again.

"It's just a matter of time, he must be very powerful to get through the first and second gate. He can figure the third gate out but for now, he is not here," Roland said holding his chest. "She said hello and asked me to give you this," Nancy hissed giving Mary-Anne's gift and massage to Roland. He holds onto it tightly.

Looking at his condition if my father had made it to the third gate he might have lost his life. "Let me help you," Barbara offered to help Roland. I took Nancy to our room to rest. She looks shaken up. Justin was relieved when he heard our father didn't make it to the third gate but I was still worried.

After I took Nancy to our room to lie down, Barbara's mind link came through asking me to come to the magic edifice, I quickly rushed there, not knowing what was going on, when she offered to help Roland I knew she was up to something.