Head over heels

Baby's POV

I couldn't help but think of what he said the entire time. 

"Zenab called," Nancy whispered as soon as I entered the room. Barbara and Barbie were with her.

"Alright," I sniffed.

"He wants to know if we are coming as planned?" She mumbled. 

"Yes, of course, I have put everything in order for a few days so we can all go tomorrow," I said as Nancy and Barbie giggled. 

"How long are we going to stay there?" Barbara asked. She wasn't happy leaving and I can tell why. Her training with Lycian's daughter will be interrupted. 

"For as long as we need to, and ask Patrick or Justin to watch over her, you haven't seen your cousins in a long time," I said as Nancy threw a grin my way obviously she had already tried and failed to convince her.

"Alright Daddy, I will go give her instructions on what to do in my absence," she mumbled kissing Nancy on the cheek and walking to the door.