Chapter 2 : Chu Estate

The feeling of movement stops and the guy just stares at us. I heard the sound of footsteps outside before the doors opened.

"Okay! You three leave first!"

Hearing him say that, I leave first and look around. It seems like we are inside of some sort of building. I don't know how to call it. In my surroundings, there are other people who are standing there, dressed in white and green robes.

The two other girls followed me. Then, the guy led us to the people dressed in white and green.

"Oh. So these are our new recruits?" An old woman on the forefront asks that.

"Yes. Please teach them everything they need so they don't shame the Young Master."

"That's a given." She looks at us. "You! You're now a part of this family now! Starting today, you will be working as the Young Master's maid! I expect you behave yourself!"

The two girls besides me trembled at the strong words of this lady. Me? It's not like I have to be scared, she is just saying something I can't understand after all!

Working for the Young Master? Is that the fair looking guy on that box?

What is a maid anyway?

While thinking like that, the old lady gestured about something and all of them turned their back. The two girls followed her, and seeing that I will be left alone, I quickly follow them.

While doing that, I take the time to peek behind me and see the guy bowing to the Young Master. The Young Master didn't take a glance at us and just move onto somewhere.

I look in front and decided to just forget about it. The good thing is that I finally have a destination. Maybe this will give me some hints at my memory?


After walking through many corners, we were finally led to a room, which the old lady says that should be our shared room right now.

This place seems to be called the Servant Quarters. There are many rooms here which seems to be resided by these servants. We are also servants now, so I think that makes me their companion?

"Seeing that the three of you are newbies, I think introductions are in order." The old lady said. "I am the head chief of maids on these section, Li Yihua. You must refer to me as Head Chief Li or Head Chief. Ma'am will also do!" She stares at us.

"I-I'm Bai Lingxin!"

"I'm Ling Minmin!"

... What to do, I don't have any name. Can't remember it!

Oh, she's looking at me. I have to tell the truth then.

"Sorry. I don't remember anything about myself!" I scratched the back of my head as I say that.

"Hmph? An amnesiac!" She snorted. "Doesn't matter. I'll just call you Ming!"


She stares at me for awhile before slowly nodding.

"Sleep now. Tomorrow will be an early day for you!"

After saying that, she turned her back and leave us.

The two girls looks at each other. As for me, I go inside our assigned room and look at the bed. There are three beds aligned on each other, and some other things. I think they call these furnitures.

I can see some folded white robes. I think that would be the one we need to wear tomorrow.

I pick one of the bed and make myself comfortable. She said sleep, so I'll obediently sleep.

Thinking? There's no need for that!

I'll just let things happen. I think I'll find clues for my memories later on... I hope?


After sleeping for awhile, I opened my eyes and sit up. Looking around, I can see that the sun is just rising. Standing up, I look around and see the two girls sleeping on their beds.

I look at the folded clothes and pick one of it. Then I saw a paper screen. Going there, I quickly changed my clothes behind.

After I am done with that, I go to the girls and wake them up. It is really simple, there is this mysterious technique that I know where I can wake them up without any backlashes.

Just poking this certain part of their body, and now they are wide awake!

"Hello. It is now morning. I think this is the time to start doing... whatever we're going to do here."

The two of them looks at me dazedly before their eyes acquire some light. They widened their eyes before hastily taking out the blanket covering them and going to the robes folded there.

... Why are they panicking so much?


The day started with us going somewhere. Someone who is wearing the same white robe as us are leading us. She came a bit later when the two girls are finished changing.

While walking, I decided to ask them about something I am curious about.

"So. What is this place anyway?"

The two of them, and even the one leading us looks at me. Their expressions are pretty weird.

"Seriously? You don't know?" If I remember right, this might be Bai Lingxin who is talking. I nodded to her. "Oh. Aren't you the amnesiac?" Seeing me nod again she continues. "Look, if you didn't know, this is just the estate of one of the four greatest family on this city. The Chu Estate!"

I don't know what is the Chu Estate! Can you further elaborate?

She seems to have discerned my confusion.."We are now servants of the Chu Family. Which means they hold our lives now!" She seems to be a bit irate, I wonder why?

"What is a servant?"

They widened their eyes.

"You truly have no memories!?" I nodded at this girl, I think her name is Ling Minmin.

"So, what it is?"

I heard one of them sighs before the two of them helpfully explained. Along with that, they also explained what's with this family.

So it seems like I have to take care of every minor things in this estate. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, and sometimes even attending to our masters. They hold everything in our lives so it is obvious that we should be doing everything they desire.

As for the Young Master, it seems like his name is Chu Qin. He is the heir of the patriarch of this family, and is a genius when it comes to cultivating.

It seems like he have already achieved a high cultivation rate since childhood, and now he has become more stronger. I heard he is on the Peak Seventh Mortal Realm.

Actually, I know everything about the cultivation stages. It's weird that only these knowledge are retained.

There are the twelve realms for a cultivator to breakthrough. These are :

Mortal Realm

Expert Realm

Master Realm

Grandmaster Realm

Sage Realm

King Realm

Emperor Realm

Sovereign Realm

Heavenly Realm

Divine Realm

True Divine Realm

Ascension Realm

Along with that are the nine stages for each of these realms. Then each stages are further separated from four sub-stages which are Low, Middle, High, and Peak.

Breaking through even one of the sub-stages is hard. If a cultivator breaks through to the next stage, it will become much harder. Though the increase in strength will be like heaven and earth.

The Ascension Realm is not really the final stage of cultivation though. It is just the stage where a cultivator can really call themselves a Cultivator. The twelve realms are just a part of the Mortal Coils. There is still these stages known as the Ten Coils of the Cosmos.

The Coils are separated from each layers of the world. They can only cultivate on an appropriate realm, meaning they have to ascend to the next layer of the world if they wanted to further their growth. Getting to the final levels of these Coils will they be able to ascend to the next layer.

After getting to the Tenth Coil, this is still not the final level of cultivation. There is still other levels that a cultivator must go through to truly become the strongest cultivator.

I know all of that. Though I am not really going to cultivate. Why should I? I think I am already done cultivating?

That's the impression I got anyway.

Anyway, Chu Qin seems to have a weird habit of going around the city and picking up people on the streets, turning them into servants of this house. It is his peculiar trait which seems to be well-known on this city.

Because of this trait, most of his servants takes the time to train these people. It is his wish after all.

They don't know his reasons. He is the Young Master, so they can't really ask him what it is. Their just servants after all.

Okay. So taking people on the streets to turn them into a servant is peculiar huh? I'll take note of that!

"We have arrived!"

The one leading us announced, making us quiet. Then we entered the wide room.


The room we arrived at seems to be a place where many newbie servants like us were taken. It seems like this is where we were going to be briefed about our duties.

The others were given some duties from other parts of this place. As for us three, it seems like being newbie, we have to take care of cleaning the yard and feeding the fishes on the pond. Then, we are going to the local stables and clean up all the dirt and manure of the horses there.

Sounds easy enough I think?

That's what I really thought. Though the two girls seems to think otherwise.

"How humiliating. I managed to get inside the Chu Estate, but I ended up becoming their janitor!" That is Minmin.

"Shush! We're just newbies. Of course they'll throw us to the most troublesome!" That is Lingxin who said that.

I don't know what is so humiliating on this? Is cleaning that bad?

I have a lot of techniques that can quickly take care of this cleaning. I am currently using some of those techniques.

A right sweep here, an appropriate force to move everything with my broom, and anything will be sweep on the direction I wanted. It is very simple.

Like, literally everything here can be used for cultivation!

I wonder why they are not doing it? The way they sweep the leaves is just too clumsy!

Should I? Maybe I should!

"Uhmm..." The two of them turned to me. "Do you want me to teach you about sweeping?"

The two of them suddenly narrowed their eyes. What is wrong?

"Are you mocking us?" Lingxin said and I think I can feel something hostile in her atmosphere.

"Huh? Not really? I was just so curious because your sweeping clumsily?"

"How dare you!" Lingxin steps forward. "I dare you to say that to me again!" She looks down on me while saying that.

Say it again? Did she not hear me?

"I was just curious because your sweeping clumsily?" She is trembling, why?

"You really dare!" She gritted her teeth. She raises her hand, and tries to slap me.

She hits my cheeks, though it didn't hurt. I wonder why she is slapping me?

She slaps me one more time in my other cheek, before widening her eyes. Why is she looking so surprised?

"How? Why are you staring at me so incredulously!?"

"I don't know. Why are you slapping me?"

She takes a step back. What is wrong with her?

"Your not even fazed! What the hell is wrong with you!" She screeched.

"Nothing? It really didn't hurt. It felt like a breeze passing through me!" I am honest with that. It really doesn't hurt. I don't even feel anything.

The two of them are just staring at me with their eyes widened.

"Anyway, do you want me to teach you how to sweep? I think you'll managed to clean everything here without having to come back to it."

They look at the area that I am pointing. It is where I am cleaning awhile ago before talking to them. Their eyes widened once more, it almost seems like their eyes are gonna pop out of it.

"How!? The ground is so clean!? Why does it look like it's sparkling!?" Lingxin exclaimed.

"What is that!? How did you do that!?" And that is Minmin.

"I just sweep it though." I shrug. "Want me to teach you how?"

The two of them opened their mouth while looking at me with some weird expression, before Lingxin steps forward again.

Is she going to slap me again?

Contrary to my thoughts, she kowtowed to me.

"Big Sister, I apologize for harming you. Please teach this Little Lingxin with your profound knowledge!"

Minmin followed up. "This one also begs Big Sister!"

Huh? Why are they kneeling to the ground and lowering their head? What the hell is going on!?

"Uhmm... there is no need for that. We're fellow maids, so it is natural I teach you right?"

Well, that's how I think it should be. It's good morals, I think?

Their heads are still on the ground, not even daring to raise it.

"Come on, just raise your head."

They finally raised their heads while looking at me with their eyes close to tears.

What the hell really happened!?


(Bai Lingxin's POV)

Amazing. This amnesiac is actually a hidden master!?

The way she moves her body is so graceful, and her way of sweeping the ground is so profound!

She have imparted her knowledge upon us, despite my early rude acts awhile ago.

It's really amazing. The way she conveys her teachings is so easy to understand, and it is very gentle and calming. It's like she is destined to teach.

Heavens truly favors me! If I managed to befriend her, Big Sister Ming might impart more of her knowledge. I might even become a cultivator!

I have already abandoned my life to the whims of fate. I am just a mortal, living in the dregs of society. My earlier plan in my life is to become a servant of the Chu Family. It is the only career that I think I can achieve in my lifetime.

But with Big Sister here, I don't have to worry about that. Big Sister Ming is obviously a cultivator! Mortal strikes aren't effective to cultivators like her after all!

For now, I'll try to master her cleaning technique. The way to do it sounds so profound and mysterious, and I think I am even getting some profound insights with this.

I hope she teaches me cultivation techniques.