Chapter 3 : Tailoring Cultivation Techniques

A week has passed since then.

The life of a servant is simple. Wake up, clean up, change into our servant robes, then start cleaning the yard.

Our seniors always gives us the job of cleaning the yard, feeding the fishes on the pond, and cleaning the stables.

Along with me are two of my enthusiastic friends. I don't know why but since I showed them my techniques, they suddenly become so close to me.

Is that how to make friends here?

Anyway, we're currently cleaning the stables. While cleaning, I am demonstrating them how to do it with a mortal body. I just need to move my body from here and there, put the right stances, and there, I managed to take out all of the scattered hays and arranged it on the corner!

"Amazing! As expected of Big Sister!" Lingxin gushes.

"So. Did you remember the movements?"


I nodded at their declaration. Then, I let them do it for themselves.

I have a lot of things to teach for them.


The whole day has been spent taking care of the whole courtyard, fish pond, and the stables. Those three places are too big and only the three of us are in charge of cleaning it.

Well, it is easy if I am the one who is doing it. But I am teaching the two of them, and not trying to be rude, but they are very slow. It is so slow that I can take a nap for several hours and come back with them not even cleaning a single area.

They are improving, and they think they are quickly becoming good at it. For me, it is still too slow. They still take a full minute from something I can do in a single breathe.

So I am trying to be patient and tell them the right forms and stances. It is needed if they want to finish all of this places within half a day.

I don't know why I am not seeing any of the maids other than us. Are they doing something inside those buildings?

Being curious, I ask my two friends.

"Oh. Those are our seniors. I think they are just dumping the most troublesome work to us!" Lingxin seems to be angry at that.

"They are taking care of the residences of each relatives of the Chu Family. I think it involves cooking, laundry, and sometimes dressing them up or other odd jobs that our Masters desires." Minmin explained.

"Wait. I thought there are other newbie servants like us? Why are we the only one here?"

"I am sure they manage to get on the good side of some of our seniors and got to a comfortable spot. Those cunning foxes are like that!"

What's a fox got to do with this? Are there foxes in here?

Haven't seen anything like that at all.

"Anyway, you shouldn't bother yourself about those trifling things Bis Sister. We'll get back at them later!"

I don't know what she is talking about but I nodded anyway. Can't deny my friends after all.

"Anyway. What are we going to do today, Big Sister?" Minmin asked.

"Oh right. I think you managed to master the basics. So I am going to teach you a technique but..." They gulped. "I think you should become cultivators first before you can do it. At least get to the Low First Mortal Realm."

"Wait! Does that mean...!?"

I nodded. The two of them smiled so brightly when I confirmed it.

"Big Sister... no, Master Ming!" Lingxin kowtowed to me, with Minmin following up.

"I told you to stop that. We're friends, so I think it is natural to help you." I shrug. "But first. Let's finish cleaning the place before getting to that. I think we're still in the middle of the work." The two of them nodded enthusiastically.

They seem so excited that we managed to take care of everything before the sun sets.


Evening. After taking their meal, we go to our room where I can start teaching them.

While walking, I am trying to think of a lesson plan for them.

I have already made specific cultivation styles for the two of them.

Every living beings, whether they are animals or humans, have their unique spiritual origins. Along with it are their Bloodlines, Fate, and even their Talents. Depending on these factors, the proper cultivation method and techniques will vary.

Using improper ways of cultivation method or techniques will make them limited, and they won't be able to move forward anymore. Unless they managed to become lucky by acquiring some sort of legacy, artifacts, or some sort of bloodline, they will just stay on their level and might even decline on their whole lifetime.

So it is recommended to find the right methods and techniques. They will quickly improve on their cultivation. With the right guidance, even a bottleneck won't be a problem anymore.

I have a lot of ways to see all these essential factors with just a glance. After seeing those factors, I managed to tailor a lot of cultivation methods and techniques for them.

Bai Lingxin. She have the mortal destiny, average talent, a bit of a spiritual bloodline, and her spiritual origin is the White Spirit. With all of these factors, I created the most appropriate cultivation technique which will awaken her bloodline, and also her spiritual origin.

Ling Minmin. She have the mortal destiny, below average talent, a little hint of a fairy bloodline, and her spiritual origin is the Nature Fairies. Just like the other, I made the most appropriate cultivation technique that will awaken her bloodline and spiritual origin.

The spiritual origin is important. It is like the bloodline, but this is their spiritual connection to their first ancestors.

As we got inside the room, I quickly begin reciting them while they are sitting on their beds.

"Bai Lingxin. I will be reciting the cultivation method of the Supreme Winter Sovereign." Her eyes shined. "As for Minmin, I will be reciting the method of the Rainbow Forest Queen!" Minmin seems to be pretty excited.

I recited the way they should unlock their meridians first. It is universal and there are no special methods needed, only the most efficient one.

Because they can't perceive the profound energies with their body, I gently pass some of mine to their bodies, and let it flow through them.

"Feel the profound energy moving through your hands and going through your stomach. Don't think about the outside stimuli, take a look within you and guide the power to your Dantian."

The two of them are sitting crosslegged, just like how I instructed it, and are meditating. Their eyes closed and full of concentration.

"Don't fight the flow. Let it move through the lump in your meridians, let it break those gates and move through your center. The core of your being!"

They are sweating, which is a good sign. This is the sign that some of their impurities were being extracted.

"Remove any distractions, don't think about the details. Let yourself be connected to the flow, the profound energies within you and the world. Become a part of the mystery, and forget about your mortal bindings!"

As for me, I am just trying to tell them the most efficient way. This is to ensure that they won't get on a bottleneck the first time in their cultivation.

The two of them takes a breathe, releasing more of their impurities. These are in the form of black sticky liquids that smells horrible.

They ignored that, because thinking about it will just interrupt their concentration. I made them calm with some of my singing techniques, so they won't be too distracted from outside stimuli.

After a few minutes, they finally managed to stabilize the energy within them. The profound energies on the atmosphere are now responding to them.

"Congratulations. You two are now capable of cultivating!" I smiled at them.

The two of them opened their eyes slowly, then quickly pinch their noses.

"What is this smell!?" Lingxin looks like she eats something sour.

They look down and it seems like they finally notice the impurities in their body. They screamed in disgust.

"Ah! What should we do? We can't use the public bath right now!"

I smiled. "Don't worry. I'll teach you a simple technique that will wash your body!"

With that, I teach them the Cleansing Technique. Originally a technique created to purify evil spirits, this one has been improvised so it cleans dirt and other undesirables in a cultivator's body. This is one of basic techniques.

This technique is so easy that with a single recitation of it's use, they managed to comprehend it quickly.

"Thank you Master! I, Bai Lingxin, is eternally grateful!"

"This Minmin is also grateful for imparting your knowledge, Master!"

I don't why but their eyes seems to be brimming with life. Like they are seeing a lot of possibilities within them.

I don't know. Is being a cultivator that amazing?

Isn't it boring. Just sitting there, and trying to comprehend the uncaring cosmos?

Well, that's my own opinion. I'll just let them be.