Chapter 4 : Normal Household Techniques

(Bai Lingxin's POV)

Master Ming is truly amazing!

The way she cleans the whole courtyard like it was nothing is like a dream. The thing is, she implies that she is holding back.

Though, it is true that she really have no memories of herself. Good thing her knowledge about cultivation is still there.

It's been several days since I started learning from her. My whole attention is not even on serving the family anymore. No, I want to take hold of my own destiny!

I just have to learn everything I can, and I will be leaving later on. It will be easy. The Chu Family doesn't care about their servants. They have a lot of them in here, and I always hear servants being kicked out every week.

Even if I run away, no one would even care. So I'll be free to do whatever I want.

I think Minmin also thought of doing this. I can recognize the way she looks. She's just trying to absorb all the knowledge she can get before leaving here.

Now, I don't know about our Master. She seems so content doing these menial tasks. Maybe because she didn't remember her life?

It doesn't matter. I just have to become more stronger. Then, I can start making my own path in my life.

Currently, we are being taught about some mysterious techniques that can be done by any cultivators. It is called as the Normal Household Techniques.

By the name itself, it sounds so underwhelming. She said it is very basic so I think that's fine.

We are currently applying those techniques for cleaning the whole stables and the courtyard.

Honestly, this techniques gives me a lot of insights. The way how I move the broom, how to avoid dirt, how to hold my cleaning tools, it is amazing!

I feel like I can also use this to fight. Though, I would prefer having proper techniques rather than simple maiden works.

While thinking like that, I saw a band of girls in white robes walking on the courtyard, their hands carrying trays full of food.

At first, I would have become so jealous for that. Their role is to put food on the table, which means meeting the members of the Chu Family. If one of the guys from the Chu Family got interested with them, their position will soar through the top.

I heard some of their concubines are just servants that are beautiful enough to be noticed by the people of the Chu Family. So a lot of girls are trying to appeal to them.

But they won't be noticed if they aren't seen by them. So a lot of them are always fighting over the roles that will give them a lot of exposure to the Chu Family.

Right now, I am fine being thrown to this work. I don't want to be seen by any young masters now. Master Ming is teaching me to become a cultivator, so becoming a concubine of some rich family in this small city is too humiliating. I have to go to greater heights!

"You have a nice form Lingxin." I saw Master nodding to me before she continues on her work.

She seems not bothered by those servants carrying the food. It seems like she is not really interested by any of the people here.

I still can't understand why she didn't want to show her strength. She is very strong. I have felt that when I became a cultivator.

I can't sense her cultivation level. Whenever she uses some profound techniques, I can't perceive any use of Qi within her. It's just a seamless movement that seems so perfect that it looks natural in the background. It is imperceivable.

I wanted to be like her. Maybe reach the stage of where she is. Maybe if I got that strength, even becoming a part of the Saintly Mountain Sect won't be a dream.

The Saintly Mountain Sect is one of the greatest sects of this continent. I only ever heard some of the claims, like how the immortals there can easily split the oceans or destroy mountains. I think Master Ming is also capable of that, but she just forget about it.

I am really curious about her past. Maybe, I'll have to find clues about her memories, just to pay her back for giving me the chance to enter the world of cultivation!

Right. I will do that!

My thoughts are like that as I continue on my duties, and at the same time furthering my comprehension on this Normal Household Techniques.


(MC's POV)

Normal Household Technique. A technique created to become a master of any household objects.

A broom? You'll become the greatest sweeper ever!

A mop? You can turn everything sparkling clean!

A scrub? The same as the mop!

It is so versatile. You can use it everywhere to take care of your daily needs. It's a technique I managed to create when I learned what I need to do as a maid.

Basically, it's a new technique I made.

It is a new technique, so I don't know if there are anything they can learn here. I just incorporated the many movements of martial techniques and apply it to house chores like cleaning, laundry, and other things.

I don't have any pen or paper, so I can't really write the technique and give it to them. That's why I have to personally recite it.

They are slow learners. I have to repeat it before they can get to the basics. It is fine though, I think it's impossible for a person to learn it by hearing it once.

We are just done and is going back to our room when Bai Lingxin suddenly requested something.

"Master. I know this will be extremely rude, but can this Little Bai ask for a proper combat technique?"

I turned to her while thinking about it. It's not like I don't have any of it, I just don't have the book to write on.

"Well. I can give you a technique, but I would need something to write on."

The two of them looks at each other before Lingxin steps forward while puffing her chest, confident grins are in their faces.

"Leave it to me! Tomorrow, you'll have something to write on! I swear upon my ancestors!"

Hmm... is it really good? Swearing on the name of your ancestors?

I don't remember much, but I think that's one of the highest promise you can give to someone.

While deep in thought, the two of them cupped their hands before going somewhere.

"... Well, I guess I'll take a rest first then." With a shrug, I continued alone to our room.