Chapter 5 : Pen & Papers

(Bai Lingxin's POV)

She is really going to give us combat techniques!

I can't believe a person like her still exist in this world. She is so good to us. Now I am feeling a bit reluctant to leave her here.

But I have to steel my resolve!

After I got the technique and learn something useful, I can go around the world and acquire experience. I will become the greatest female cultivator in this land!

It is unfortunate, but I have to leave my Master later.

I know that in the world of cultivation, stagnation is one of their enemies. We must always move forward, regardless of the obstacles in front of us!

We have arrived at the main quarters where the Head Chief resides. Without hesitating, we knocked on the door.

Glancing, I saw Minmin just looking straight with determination. I am sure she is also thinking the same as me.

The door opens and the Head Chief appears. She looks at us with an overbearing stare.

If I was the old me, I would be trembling right now. She is the one who oversees everything we servants do. She can dictate whether we move up to the ranks or throw us into the gutter.

But now it doesn't matter. She is just a mortal, and I am a cultivator now. Her stare is nothing but a breeze!

"What are you two doing here?"

"Head Chief." We cupped our hands in greeting. "We'd like to request something."

"Huh? And when did lowly servants get to request something?" Her tone is so condescending.

This bitch! I am trying to be polite here, and your smearing my kindness?

I held myself back and put a face of neutrality.

"We would like to ask for some quills and papers."

"Oho..." She paused before snorting. "I refused!"

Okay. I am done being polite now!

I've released some of my pressure, overwhelming her with my power. I feel a bit of joy seeing her condescending look turn into terror.


She looks like she can't believe it. Well, I am just a mortal a few days ago so that's understandable.

"Are you still going to refuse us?"

"N-no! Please take as many as you want!" Hearing her panicking like that gives me joy.

As expected. Being strong is always right. The weak will be eaten by the strong. So I need to become stronger so I won't be bullied!

I can't become like our amnesiac Master. I won't lower myself like her. I have to raise my head and stand on my beliefs!


(MC's POV)

I have just arranged the things in our room neatly when I heard someone knocking on the room. Hearing the voices of my two roommates, I let them in.

They look so happy as they entered while carrying a bunch of papers, quills, and inks There are also some binders so I can put these papers together.

Wow, my friends are so thoughtful!

"Master. Will you impart your knowledge to us?" Lingxin asked as she takes a few inches of distance from me and cups her hand. Minmin also follows on her lead.

Well, I have the materials I needed. So I can write everything right now.

"Okay. It will take me all night, so I think you should sleep for now. I'll pass it to you tomorrow!"

""This Bai Lingxin/Ling Minmin is grateful!""

The two of them said that in unison before excusing themselves.

Now then, as their friend, I should take care of this then.

Let's see. The Supreme Winter Sovereign's method and the Rainbow Forest Queen's method. Based on my mysterious knowledge, these two methods are appropriate for them to breakthrough to the Ten Coils of the Cosmos.

The Supreme Winter Sovereign is a very cold technique that cultivates the Ice Qi to the extreme, making even the coldness of arctic feels more tame. Those who cultivates this to it's full potential can cause winter to occur by their mere presence.

The Rainbow Forest Queen is one of the vibrant technique that fuses both the nature and the sky. It is a lot more energetic on the day and more calm in the night. Those who cultivates this to it's full potential can grow a whole forest with just their footsteps.

There are hundreds of thousands of methods that they can use, but these two are the greatest methods. Along with these methods, I should also write all the techniques that they must train, both combat and utility. Of course, their techniques are different on each other because techniques further amplified their strength when it complements the cultivation method.

Let's see... for Bai Lingxin, I would write the 108 combat techniques, 89 defensive techniques, 55 utility techniques, and other unrelated techniques that is still complementary to their method.

As for Ling Minmin. It's 107 combat techniques, 96 defensive techniques, 154 utility techniques and others.

After that, I also wrote all the miscellaneous ones, like refinement, smithing, and other things useful for them.

The sun has already risen when I am done writing all of these.

I look at the two who are still sleeping and decided to wake them up. With just a hit on the right angle, they quickly sit up without feeling any side effects.

"It is done." I announced to them before handing out three books each to their hands.

These books are very thick, now that I look at it. The methods easily reaches thousands of pages, while the techniques are double or triple of pages of that. Good thing the miscellaneous ones only need hundreds of pages to convey everything I can so they will understand.

The two of them quickly snaps their eyes on their books and it seems like they were shining. They look at me with such large smiles.

""We are truly grateful!"" They stood up and put the books on their bed before cupping their hands in full respect.

I can only nod at them.

I hope they are satisfied with that. I wonder what they are going to do with it?