Talking with Silica

N / A: Honestly, I thought the last chapter I wrote was crap, I wasn't in the mood to write it.....well, I'll try my best on this one.

Answers to Some Questions Readers May Have

1. About Rebecca and Rory, Rebecca's importance is to establish a connection between the two dimensions, which is the normal dimension and the fictional dimension, why? Well, if I tell you now it would be a spoiler.

2. Who is in charge of mind and body is Rory because Rebecca is not part of the Fictional world, as said above, the purpose of Rebecca is to create a 'bridge', but that does not mean that Rory will not be influenced by Rebecca, she will, and a lot. I would say she is 65% Rory and 35% Rebecca in a matter of personality, so if you think Rory's personality is weird or out of the ordinary, it's because of Rebecca. Of course, the two have extremely similar personalities, but there are differences, for example, Rory is straight, and Rebecca is gay.

3.In SAO, officially there are only two attributes, which is Strength and Agility. There are also countless skills, however, a level 1 player has only two skill slots available (That's official.), but more skill slots will be unlocked as players level up, if I'm not mistaken, at level 10, one player will have six skill slots in total, and after level 10, the players will gain one slot every ten levels.

4. I'm using the game system that was on the anime, not the Sword Art Online games system.

5. If you clean a Vacuum Cleaner, doesn't that mean you are the Vacuum Cleaner?

6. For other questions, comment here.


In the city [Town of Beginnings], Rory and Silica are sitting on one of the numerous benches near the city's central plaza, many people passed by and looked at the two little girls with curiosity, after all, it is rare to see children playing this kind of game, that is, if they really are little girls.

''So Silica, aren't you too young to play this kind of game~?'' Rory comments in a teasing voice, she was staring at the shy Silica with a smile on her face, she found it was really fun to tease Silica.

''R-Rory-san! I'm clearly old enough to play! I'm a adult! Geez!'' Silica pouts and turns her face away.

''Eh~? Really~? Are you sure you're not playing this game hidden from your parents~?'' Rory starts poking Silica's puffed cheeks, 'The physiology of this game is really in another level, Silica's cheeks really look and feel real.' she thought.

''D-Don't poke my cheeks! I'm seriously going to be mad at you Rory-san! Mou!'' Silica glares at Rory, and Rory holds up his hands in surrender.

''Sorry, sorry, It's just that it's really fun to tease Silica~'' Rory giggles.

''Nah?! Don't tease people you've just met! This is wrong!'' Silica gets up annoyed and starts lecturing Rory about not bullying people.

Rory watches Silica standing in front of her giving her a lecture, she's leaning forward with one hand on her hip and she's gesturing with her other hand, and she's still pouting. If anyone asked Rory which animal Silica looks like the most, she would say Squirrel without thinking twice.

Silica is almost identical to Silica from SAO, but it has some differences, after all, the death game has not started yet and currently everyone is using the appearance of the created characters. The current Silica still has her hair in twin-tails, the color hair is still brown, but her hair is longer, she has red eyes and the biggest difference is that in this avatar she has big breasts. Basically, Silica's character is not that different from Silica in the real world.....apart from the big breasts and red eyes.

From Rebecca's memories, Rory knows that Silica's character was never shown before the start of the death game, and she couldn't help but chuckle inwardly about Silica's strange desire to have big breasts even through she is still a kid.

(N / A: Don't ask me why, but even after using the Hand Mirror, her eyes stay red, but in real life, they're brown.)

In reality, Rory understands this desire very well, she really gets irritated when someone talks about her childish body or her old age.

However, even with big breasts, everyone can say that Silica is a child because of her shy and innocent personality.


''Teasing people can cause misunderstandings and- Eh? What is it, Rory-san?''

''We've already spent a lot of time here, how about we talk while we go hunting?''

Silica upon hearing Rory, opened the status menu and saw the time, '' Oh, you're right, it's getting late and we've barely started playing.'' Silica looked sad to realize they had spent so much time like this.

''Oh? Why do you look sad? Wasn't it fun talking to me?'' Rory asks while pretending to be sad.

''Eh? N-N-No! I did not mean that! It was fun talking to Rory-san! I swear!'' Silica says trying to resolve the misunderstanding while gesturing with her hands desperately.



Silica sees Rory trying to hold back a laugh, and realizes she was joking with her, ''Rory-san! What did I say about teasing others?!'' she stamps her foot angrily, and Rory laughs.




Rory and Silica were casually walking to the West Gate, and beyond that they will find the first hunting ground in the game, which is where the 'Killer Boars' stay.

''Hey Silica, I know it's too late to ask this now, but why are you so comfortable with me? I could easily be a man pretending to be a woman, you know?'' From the beginning, Silica treated Rory like a woman without even thinking , she wondered if Silica was really that innocent.

''Hm? Hmm, how can I say this...'' she puts her hand on her chin and ponders, ''It's hard to explain, but you behave like a noble lady, you speak and walk elegantly and's really hard to imagine you being a man, and you don't look like a kid either, unlike your avatar.....''

Rory was surprised at how observant Silica is. Rory learned about noble customs a long time ago, as she was an emissary of her God, it would be shameful if she didn't know about manners, and she practiced so much that ended up becoming a part of her.

''What about you, Rory-san, how can you be sure I'm a girl~?'' Rory was again surprised to see Silica, who was so shy a few hours ago, starting to tease her.

''Hehe~,there's not much for me to say, i can say that you are not only a girl, but also that you are a kid''

''What do you mean by that? I am a full-fledged adult!'' She swells up her chest and looks at Rory with a smug smile that says 'See this? I am an adult!'.

''Heeh, is that so~?'' Rory chuckled, she turned forward and saw a large double wooden door being guarded by two soldiers, '' Looks like we've reached the West Gate''

''Right! Come on! The Killer Boars are just ahead!'' Silica grabs Rory by the hand and starts running, Rory just sighs and follows her.


Arriving at the West hunting ground, Rory noticed that he had a fair amount of players hunting wild boars, but that's still small considering that the game just started.

The place is full of hills and also has a fair amount of Boars, they are practically normal Boars, but their tusks are a little longer, their fur is gray and their eyes are blood red.

And even though they have the name Killer Boars, they only attack players if they are attacked first, meaning they are neutral.

''Yosh, time to start hunting!'' Silica opened her inventory and a blue light formed in her hand, and soon turned into a iron dagger. Silica seemed a lot more confident than her Anime counterpart, perhaps because she's found a friend early and hasn't been abused yet.....nah, clearly she's confident because of her huge (fake) tits.

''Wait Silica, we're not in a party yet'' Rory stoped her, then she opened the menu and sends a Party and friendship request to Silica.

''Hehe, sorry I was really excited.'' she scratches her head apologetically and accepts both the Party and the Friend Request.

''So are you a dagger user?'' Rory hasn't given it much thought before, but now she looks at Silica's equipment. She's wearing a red cotton blouse with yellow edges, and she's wearing a leather breastplate instead of an iron breastplate like her.

''Yes! I started with the [Dagger User] and [Beast Tamer] skills, and you Rory-san?''

''Me? Well....''opening the equipment menu, she saw a common iron halberd and equipped it, and that common iron halberd appeared in her hand., ''I started with [Halberd User] and with a passive skill.'' holding the halberd in her hands, she smiles. It might not be the best halberd, but it still feels good to hold one in her hands.

(N / A: I changed the name of the Two-Handed Weapon Mastery skill to Halberd User, it makes more sense as a skill.)

''Heeeh, a passive skill? I don't think many players would start with a passive skill, well not that it really matters!''

Rory giggles, ''Yes, I agree too. Well, no more stalling, let's go hunt!''

''Yeah!'' Silica excitedly raises the graces and runs towards the nearest Boars.

Rory smiles and without anyone noticing, her previously pink lips turned purple and a dangerous gleam escaped her eyes, ''Well...I can't keep her waiting, let's get started, shall we?''