A Fateful Encounter (Pfft, not really.)

''Gahah?! R-Rory-san....g-get away while you can....I'll keep him busy....''Silica was lying on the floor with her hand on her stomach, her body was shaking and her expression was grim, she looked back with difficulty to where Rory was and gave a slight smile, '' D-Don't worry about me R-Rory-san...go, but never forget me...''

Rory was right behind her, she was holding her halberd in one hand and her other hand was at her waist, ''Silica, can you stop being so dramatic?''she sighed, ''You just took a slight blow in your stomach, and it's impossible to feel pain in SAO.''

''Oh, yeah....I forgot about that, hehe'' Silica scratches her head in embarassment.

She gets up and faces the Boar that was in front of her, ''But it's weird, I hit him, but he barely lost any life points....''

Rory watches the Boar in front of Silica and can't help but think this is really a 'Tutorial Monster', he doesn't attack players unless the players attack them first and even if they attack once and stop, the Boar won't chase the players, and that's what happened to Silica.

''Silica, have you forgotten? We're in an MMO, to deal significant damage to a monster, you need to activate its abilities and then attack.'' Rory responds as if it's an obvious fact.

''Well, it makes sense, but how do I activate my ability? Can you teach me, Rory?''

'Hm? Since when did she start calling me without honorifics? Well, whatever.'

''I don't know either, like you, it's my first time playing, I'm not a Beta Tester''

''Eeeh~what are we going to do then?'' Silica sits on the floor with a pout.

Rory giggles at Silica's childishness and then looks up at the sky, 'Hmm, it must be around this time that those two come here'



''E-Eh? What was this? A scream of pain?'' Silica gets up and approaches Rory.

Rory sees Silica approach her and unconsciously grab her clothes and she sighs, ' Children will always be children' she thought.

She starts patting Silica's head and smiles at her, ''Don't worry, Silica, it's okay.''

Feeling the pats on her head, Silica realizes what she has done unconsciously and moves away from Rory like a rocket, ''Wha-wha-wha-what are you doing?!'' Silica's face was red as a tomato and she had both hands on her head, protecting her from more pats.

Rory puts her hand on her cheek and tilts her head, making a 'worried mother' expression,''Oh~? What do you mean by that? I was just comforting a scared child~'' she says with a provocative tone.

''I-AM-NOT-A-KID!!'' exclaims Silica. She stamps her foot angrily and looks at Rory with watery eyes.

''Now now, don't be mad at me Silica, can you forgive me, please~?'' Rory clasps her hands together in prayer and looks at Silica with abandoned puppy eyes.

Rory is getting addicted to teasing Silica, and she can also understand Silica's stubbornness in saying she's an adult, kids are never taken seriously, and that's also true in games, she's already lost count of how many people she's killed for having mistaken her for a kid.

Silica looked into Rory's pleading eyes and her anger was gone, ''J-Just this time, I will forgive you.'' she responds with her face turned away and her arms crossed, she's still playing mad.

''Fufu~, thank you Silica~, since you've forgiven me, why don't we check out what that noise was earlier~?''

Silica froze.

''E-Eh? W-W-Why?''

''Oh my? What's this? An adult are afraid of a little scream?'' Rory puts a palm in front of her mouth and widens her eyes, pretending to be surprised.

''M-M-Me? A-A-Afraid? D-Don't make me laught! C-Come on, I will go f-first!'' Silica's expression was tense, she was sweating profusely and looking at the sky, trying to ignore Rory's gaze. She started to walk, but she was so nervous she looked like a robot.

She walked past Rory and turned to her, ''W-What are y-you waiting? L-Let's go!''

Rory couldn't help but chuckled seeing Silica panicking like that, ''I'm right behind you~''




Rory and Silica head towards the sound of the scream and climb a hill, and below, they both see two men, one of them is lying on the ground and seems to be in pain, and the other is to the side watching.

The one lying on the floor has red hair that goes down to his shoulder, he is wearing a leather vest and has a red and yellow bandana tied around his head, the one who was standing has hair a little shorter than the red and his hair and eyes are pitch-black, and like the redhead, he's also wearing a leather vest.

''Oh, it looks like it's just two people!'' Silica sighs in relief.

''Oho~? What did you think it was? A ghost?''

''Geh! I don't now what you're talking about!'' she blushs.

''Seeing that guy lying in 'pain' really reminds me of someone~'' Rory comments and Silica blushes even more and turns her face away in embarrassment.

''Fufu~, well let's see what the two of them are doing, maybe they can help us'' Rory suggests and Silica nods hesitantly.

-----[Kirito's POV]-----

''Ouch...ouch..ouch...he hit my balls...''

I agreed to help him but... he sure is an idiot.

''Give me a break, you don't feel pain, do you?''

''Ugrh-Oh, true. Sorry, it's just a habit I guess, hehe.'' Klein gets up and rubs his head in embarrassment.

''I already told you, what matters is your initial movement input.''

''Yes I already understand that...but he keeps walking around shaking that damn ugly ass...he pisses me off''

I pick up a rock from the ground and look at Klein, ''If you leave the right movement input, and activate a sword skill...''I face the Boar that Klein was fighthing, I take aim and throw the stone, the stone flies with a blue light and hits the Boar, ''The system will ensure that the technique works.''

''Hm...motion input....motion input..''

The Boar I attacked runs towards me and I block it with the sword, ''How should I say? Add a little break, and when you feel the ability start to activate, let it explode!''

''Explode....? Oh!'' Klein puts his sword on his shoulder and positions himself.

Heh, it looks like he finally understood.

With my sword, I push the boar and kick it towards Klein, ''Dareaaah!!'' seeing the boar coming towards him, his sword turns orange and he attacks the boar head-on, attacking it horizontally with his sword.

The boar screams and its life, which was yellow before, turns red and then drops to zero, causing it to disappear in a small explosion of particles.

Klein sees the result and jumps for joy, ''Hell yeah! I did it!''

I don't know why he's so happy to beat a pig, but well, whatever, ''Congratulations''

*Clap* Clap* Clap*

''Congratulations indeed~''


''Oh? Who?''

Klein and I turn towards the voice we just heard and see two little girls. One has long black hair and rosy red eyes, and the other has brown hair tied into a Twin-tail and red eyes. The brown haired one is hiding behind the black haired one and she is staring at us with a smile on her face as she claps her hands.

''Woah! Two super cute girls! And look at the size of the breasts of the girl who is behind, Kirito! It's our lucky day!'' Klein whispers in my ear excitedly.

''Hey you idiot, we're in a game, the two of them could be two dudes!'' I whisper back.

''O-Oh, that's right!''

Klein then walks towards the girls and confronts them ''Ehem.....who are you two?''

''Ara, how impolite of me.'' The black-haired girl lightly pulls the ends of her blouse and bends her knees a little, even though she doesn't wear a dress, she does it perfectly and elegantly, ''My name is Rory Mercury''

Isn't that an old noble greeting? Maybe she's an Ojou-sama?

''And this one is Silica.'' she introduces her friend by pulling her forward, ''H-Hello....'' she greets us shyly and with a stiff expression.

They both look fifteen, at least according to the characters, and I'm pretty sure the 'girl' with the huge boobs is a guy. I mean, seriously? Besides men pretending to be women, who would customize and put on breasts that big?

I step forward and introduce myself, ''I'm Kirito and this is....Klein?''

Klein is blushing heavily and staring at the brown-haired girl's breasts while whispering something, seeing him like this, I slap him on the back of the head and he comes out of his stupor.

''O-Oh?! W-What is it?'' he looks at me confused.

''Introduce yourself, you dumbass.''

''Oh, right, hehe, sorry! I'm Klein, nice to meet ya!'' he introduces himself with a relaxed military salute, and smiles towards the brown-haired girl, making her completely uncomfortable.

He really is an idiot....

''My, it's a pleasure to meet you. We were watching from afar and I saw that you were training on how to use Skills, I would like to ask if you could teach my friend here how to use them,if it's not bothersome.'' she pushes her friend towards me, she looks scared and wants to escape, but the girl called Rory holds her by the shoulders tightly.

''Well, I can teach her but...she seem to be scared of us?''

''Oh don't worry, she's just a little shy, isn't that right, Silica?'' she looks at the girl with a smile, but when she looks at her friend's smile the girl named Silica starts to shake in fear even more.


''See?''she turns to me with a smile, and i give her a forced smile in return.

I can already feel that this is going to be stressful...