Rory vs IIIFang [ERROR] Part 2

N / A: Sorry I didn't have time to write anything better than this, not that it's bad, I think.








''O-Oy, am I seeing things?'' A random player rubs his eyes, and mutters in disbelief.

''I...I don't think so...I'm seeing the same thing as you'' Another player next to him who hears his murmur responds.

''If you're seeing the same thing as me....then tell is that possible?!'' The player turns to the person next to him and asks, doubting his sanity.

''I....I don't know....'' That was the only thing he could respond to the scene before them.

Something unbelievable was happening. A girl who looked like a delicate young woman swings her halberd like a black hurricane that glowed in the red light in the room.

She, alone, is attacking the monster that wiped out almost half of the players, and the battle, as unbelievable as it sounds, seems to be balanced.



The monster attacks Rory with its sword, trying to cut her in half from top to bottom, but Rory with an feline agility, dodges to the side, then, with his second black sword, he attacks her horizontally.

Rory, sensing another attack coming, she crouched down and the black sword passes over her head and, the second the sword passed her head she puts force into her flexed legs and like a cannonball she leaps towards the monster's head.

She spun in the air with her black halberd and hits the more than two meters monster on the chin. With the force of the impact from Rory's attack, the monster's head was snaped back, but then, in the blink of an eye, the monster recovered. He then spins with prowess and attacks Rory who was still in midair.

''Tch!'' watching him recover so fast, Rory click her tongue.

Rory places her halberd in front of her body and the monster's swords clash with Rory's black halberd, as she was in midair, she was launched like a missile towards one of the marble pillars and hits it, destroying it.


''RORY!!'' Silica, who was watching the fight, screams for Rory and tries to run to help her, but she is grabbed by Agil.

''Let me go! I need to help Rory!'' she struggles with the grip of Agil's arm, trying to free herself.

''I understand you! But if you go there, you'll just die! And besides, look there!'' Agil points to the spot where Rory was sent flying, and from the dust cloud caused by the pillar's destruction, Rory emerges completely fine, and with a huge smile on her face.

''See? She's fine! But WE are not fine at all!!''

''Eh? What do you mean?''

Agil then points across the room, Silica sees where he is pointing and sees that Kirito and Asuna are alone fighting IIIFeng, who still has two health bars, the two of them seem to be in a really tough situation.

''That friend of yours seems to be holding up well alone for now, do you want to help her? So we need to defeat that one first, because he's the weakest, and his life is already half over, you know what I mean?''

Silica nods her head hesitantly.

''Good! Come on, we need to gather the rest of the players and go help those two with the boss!''


Agil takes one last look at Rory and makes an apology in his head, leaving such a burden to a child like her is an embarrassment to an adult like him.

Being honest with himself, Agil doubts that Rory can be okay, she is fighting a monster that is stronger than the floor boss, and she is fighthing him all alone. But from what he's seen so far, as unbelievable as it seems to him, the girl named Rory seems to be holding up well, therefore, as the oldest present, he needs to be as rational as possible to get out of the situation alive with these kids.

Back to he fight, Rory is smiling as always, but she is in a dangerous situation. The black monster has two health bars, it's like he's a replacement for the two health bars that were drained from IIIFeng, and since he has the HP of a boss, he has a lot of health. With each exchange of their blows, the monster only loses a percentage of life, and Rory even defending all attacks, still loses a substantial amount of HP.

Rory quickly grabs a potion from her inventory and drinks it.

If she was hit directly with an attack, she would likely lose at least nearly two-thirds of her life.

The situation isn't good for Rory, but it's also not favorable for the monster, as Rory has her [Super Regeneration] passive, and also, she has a large stock of HP potions she gained from random quests.

Basically, this fight, it's a resistance fight!

Rory who was smiling, licks her lips as if she's having a good meal, '' Let's speed things up a bit~!''

As if understanding what Rory was talking about, the monster roars and rub his swords together menacingly.


Rory bends her knees slightly and, with a burst of strength in her legs, the ground beneath her breaks and she runs towards the monster, and the monster also runs towards her with great speed.

When they were about to collide, the monster attacks Rory with his swords in a X shape attack, Rory jumps and manages to dodge the attack, then she hits the monster's two arms at the same time by swinging her halberd.

Without wasting a second, she falls to the ground and quickly attacks him in the waist, cutting him horizontally.

The monster can be very fast, but he has long arms and he is also very tall compared to Rory, and, using that to her advantage, Rory tries to stay as close to him as possible so he can't attack her properly.

The monster tries to kick Rory, but she jumps back and away from him.

''Oh my~ what is it? Can't keep up with me big boy~?''

As if really frustrated, the monster roars fiercely and runs towards Rory while swinging its great swords wildly, like a raging animal.

The players who has previously watching Rory's fight were already taken by Agil to help Asuna and Kirito, but if they saw the fight now, they would have their jaws dropped.

The incredible scene of a large and terrifying black monster fiercely attacking a beautiful girl who seemed to dance in the air with her halberd, looked like an image out of tales and legends of heroes.

Rory moved with great speed and agility, and seemed to float delicately in the air like a feather as she attacked the enraged monster.

She did great damage to the monster, but also received some damage back, the monster may not have as much dexterity as her, but it's faster.

She looks at the monster's Hp out of the corner of her eye, and sees that it has lost only half of the first life bar.

'Well, it looks like this will take a while' she thought.

The appearance of this monster was also a shock of reality for her, she thought that, with her skills and experience that put her far ahead of others, she would relax in this world and finish the mission without any problems. But if there are more of these black crystals on the upper floors, where the fight is much more complex and difficult than the first floor, then she really is in trouble.

-----[Players side]-----



''Switch, Asuna!!''


Kirito repels IIIFang's attack, and Asuna immediately attacks him.

After Kirito was saved by Rory, neither him or Asuna had time to process exactly what happened, as IIIFang wouldn't give them both time to rest, so he attacked them immediately, as Kirito still had the agroo.

The two had been fighting for some time, Kirito blocked and repelled, and Asuna, with her great speed, attacked the boss.

Slowly but safely, the boss' HP steadily decreases.

However, this is Asuna's first long-lasting battle, and because she is so tired, in one clumsy move, she misses the attack and IIIFeng takes advantage of it and attacks her.

''Asuna!!'' Kirito exclaims with concern.

IIIFeng tried to attack Asuna, but an axe blocked the boss's attack, and a little girl with short twintails appeared behind the boss and attacked him with her dagger.

''Silica-chan! And.....'' Asuna looked happily at Silica and with a grateful expression, she also wanted to thank Agil, but she doesn't know who he is.

Agil, who is blocking the boss's attack, turns his face to Asuna with an encouraging smile, ''We'll save the introductions for later, Ojou-chan! Let's take care of this ugly guy first!''

Asuna nodded and quickly stood up.

Kirito sighs in relief seeing his partner safe, and then feels a hand on his shoulder, he turns and sees the rest of the players left over from the carnage looking at him and Asuna with grateful eyes.

''Thank you for buying us time to come to our senses, if it weren't for the three of you, we'd probably all be dead.'' the player who had his hand on Kirito's shoulder says gratefully.

''Eh?'re welcome?'' Kirito doesn't know how to react to something like this, so he answers the first thing that pops into his head.

''Guys! We can't let these two keep all the XP and good drops! Let's finish this boss!''

'' '' YEAH!'' ''

The players then run towards the boss and join the fight, Kirito stands still for some time, processing what happened.

'What the hell happend just now?' he thought.

Then, a smile breaks across his face and he runs off to join the others.

''Don't even think about it! The last hit on the boss will be mine! Uoooooh!!!''