Rory vs IIIFang [ERROR] Part 3

N / A: Yo, I'm alive and I don't have Covid! And as I'm off work for a while because I'm sick, I'm at home bored so I decided to write this chapter, but as I'm still sick, today's chapter was shorter, about 1400~1450 words.

PS: Just to clarify for those who want to see just Rory's fight and don't care about the others, I also need to show what's going on with Kirito and the rest, I like to write what's going on both sides at the same time, that makes the immersion better in my opinion.


-----[ Players side]-----

''Don't worry about the defense! He and I will make sure to block the boss's attack! Attack without worry!'' Agil, who was blocking the boss along with Kirito, yells at the players who are surrounding IIIFang.

'' ''Roger!!'' '' the players respond in unison.

Feeling more confident after witnessing an encounter with death and having survived, they attack IIIFang with relentless fury, in revenge on their fallen comrades.


IIIFang swings his ax and tries to hit the players who were attacking him from behind, but Agil quickly follows the boss's movement and blocks the attack with his own axe.

''You won't get past me, you ugly, bloody dog!'' Agil exclaims.

With his other arm, IIIFang attacks Agil with his bone shield, but Kirito appears and attacks the boss's shield with his sword, and the impact makes both IIIFang and Kirito recoil.

Agil and Kirito, who were standing next to each other, stare at each other for a second and smile in acknowledgment.

Agil is happy that there is another tank with him, it has made him relieved and more confident of victory. But little does he know that Kirito is not a tank, but a 'solo player', and as a solo player, he had to learn to tank too.

Kirito is also happy that a tank as competent as Agil is still alive, if it hadn't been for Agil taking the initiative to help him and Asuna, he's not sure he could survive.

Agil and Kirito then turn their attention to the boss, which once again attacked them, and they block it.

Then Asuna, who was in the DPS role with the other players, jumps on Agil's shoulders and she shoots herself towards the boss.

''H-Hey!! The hell was that!'' Agil complains in being caught off guard by Asuna's actions.

''Haaa!!!'' In a flash, Asuna delivers several blows to the boss' head and lands on the ground on the other side.

The other players are also attacking him around nonstop.

To everyone's surprise, with this aggressive strategy, IIIFang's third life quickly reached zero.

'We're almost there! Just a little more!' Kirito thinks with a little anxiety

However, the fourteen players that are surrounding and attacking IIIFang are so focused on the battle with him, that they forgot that the biggest threat is still alive and fighting Rory on the other side of the room.

-----[Rory's side]-----


Rory defends herself from the attack of the black monster with her halberd and she is thrown back with force, and to stop her impetus she quickly slams the hilt of the halberd into the ground and slides a few meters until she stoped.

She wasn't in a very good situation, her equipment is about to break down. Her red skirt is torn, showing Rory's smooth, slender thighs in plain sight, her steel breastplate has a slight cut mark, and her blouse is also torn in the midsection.

Rory is panting and her usual smile has faded.

Luckily, she still has a decent amount of potions, and still has her trump card activated if she needs it.


The monster seems to laught and as weird as it sounds, he has a scary smile on his face.

Rory sees this and a vein bursts on her forehead, ''You bastard....making fun of me, an apostle of Emroy....!''

She takes a deep breath and quickly calms down a bit, she's not inexperienced to get carried away for emotions...unless it's Itami.

She looks out of the corner of her eye and sees that IIIFeng is already nearly dead, and then looks at the black monster's HP.

'He still has fifty percent of his health, I'm already tired, I want to finish this quickly. But I will have to risk a little, but should I do it....?' she pondered.

She had no more time to think as the monster suddenly appeared in front of her, catching her off guard.


She quickly puts her halberd atop her head and defends the boss's double sword attack.


The fierce onslaught brought Rory to her knees, and a large chunk of ground cracked under her.


The monster laughs at Rory, who is on her knees with her arms trembling as she holds back his heavy attack.

He puts on more strength on his arms and Rory seems to start to lose it, and the once scary smile grows even more on the monster's face.

''Kuku.....kukuku....this is nothing.....!'' Rory laughs, holding her ground.

The ground around the two starts to crack even more as the monster presses on Rory more and more.


She continues to hold off the monster's attack and quickly processes plans to quickly finish him off, but then, like a flash, the realization hit Rory hard.

'What I'm doing....?' she thought.

''Yeah.....that's fun isn't it? looks like I forgot...Rebecca's influence made me soften more than I thought...'' she mumbles.

She had already softened a little when she met Itami and spent some time with him, with Tuka, with Lelei, and with the others. But with the merge of her and Rebecca's existences, she just realized that many of the feelings she had thrown away when she became a apostle, like worry, anxiety and apprehension, had come back to her, and she'd barely noticed until now.

'What a joke.....' she laughs at herself internally.

Calculate risks? Thinking about plans? For the love of Emroy! She is Rory Mercury! Apostle of the God of Death, and a demigod! Her very essence is about death and violence, why she should worry about such human things?!

With this new realization, Rory decides to stop thinking. She will act like she did before, and like she always did, which is to go straight for the slaughter without thinking about anything else!

She lifts her head and faces the monster with an elegant but scary smile, worthy of the title ''The Reaper''.

Her eyes are brighter than ever.

''Thanks for making me realize something that was holding me back~!''

Rory with a quick movement loosens her left arm and the monster's swords slide down the halberd, making the swords to hit the ground.


The attack caused the ground to explode into pieces and a large cloud of dust was raised, and from the cloud of dust, Rory jumps out of it like dancing in the air and stops a few meters away from where the monster is.

The monster swings its swords fiercely to dispel the cloud of dust, and then it stares at Rory in frustration and anger.

Rory swings her halberd and then points it at him, ''Kukuku~! I think I should formally introduce myself!''

The monster leaps toward her and lands with a thud, sinking the swords into the ground where Rory was.

But Rory was no longer there!

The monster looks around for her, and Rory appears on top of him with her halberd resting on her shoulders.

''My name is Rory Mercury~''

Have located her, the monster spins and tries to hit her, but Rory, with the speed of a lightning and the force of a thunder, she smashes the black monster's head into the ground with her foot.


However, even with his head stuck on the ground, he manages to attack her with his long arms, Rory dodges and gets off him.

Just as the monster is about to get up, Rory again jumps on his head, and with another bang, she sinks his head into the ground again.

''I am the Apostle of the God of Death~''

The monster appears to rage at being trampled on the head, and forces its head to lift. He lifts his head with force, making Rory backs away with a somersault.

She lands on the ground like a cat, ''Ufufu~, and in the name of Emroy~...''

She licks her fleshy, purplish lips seductively and stares at the black monster with an excited look, ''I thank you very much, for offering your life so selflessly~!!''


The monster roars at the sky with anger and madness.

The two stare at each other for a moment.

On one side, Rory the Reaper, and on the other side, the Corrupted IIIFang.

It is time for Round 2!!