Rory vs IIIFang [ERROR] End

N / A: Thanks to ProSpect for the suggestion, and I'm still a little sick, if you see any errors please comment so I can fix it.

Also, let me know what you think of this fight, I need your opinion so I can learn how to write more exciting fights in the future.


In the Boss room on the first floor, at the far left of the room, there was a violent confrontation. In that part of the room, several parts of the floor are broken and the pillars destroyed.

Angry, mad roars, and mischievous, seductive giggles could be heard even by the players how were fighting across the room.

The black monster and Rory faced each other fiercely, the two trying to take each other's lives.

''Kufufufu~!'' Rory giggle as she dodge an attack.


The black monster roared, full of hatred and malice. Ahead of him was Rory, wielding her halberd in a dance of death. She swayed, spun, defended and then attacked.

She didn't look the least bit worried anymore, and her movements were relaxed. However, the wounds on the monster's body kept piling up, and his life bar was constantly decreasing.

The monster, tried to pressure her with his big body and with his big swords, but Rory simply took a step back and swung her halberd from top to bottom, directly cutting through the monster's chest, dealing critical massive damage.

The monster backs up a few steps and swings its swords horizontally towards Rory, trying to cut her like a scissors, but she dodges it by leaning back.

Already leaning back, Rory does a back somersault, then kicks the ground towards the boss, she jumps on top of his sword, and like a rabbit, she leaps onto his arms and then leaps onto his shoulders.

The Boss shakes his body wildly to try to get her out of him, and Rory uses the force of the boss's shake and jumps again. On midair, just above the monster's head, she places her halberd tip down and lands on top of his head, thrusting the halberd tip right in the middle of his forehead.

The monster shakes his head and sends Rory flying away, and she falls to the ground a few feet away from him with smoothness and elegance.

Rory was euphoric, before realizing how much Rebecca's mortal personality had influenced her, Rory was, in simple words, losing the fight, as feelings such as doubt, worry and anxiety made her hesitate and made her rigid instinctively.

But now, it's different, she now sealed these feelings deep in her heart, she would no longer be controlled by these useless emotions again, now she can fight without worrying about anything, now she can fight whitout restrictions.

The monster, instead of continuing to attack Rory, roared with monstrous force, creating a shock wave, even Rory who was a few feet away felt it too, ''Oh? Has his life already reached this stage?''

She looked at his life, and saw that he had only thirty percent of HP left. She was sure that, like IIIFang, this monster that is similar to him, would also have a second stage by reaching thirty percent health remaining.

She waited to see what the second stage of this boss would be with a curious smile, as unlike IIIFang, he doesn't have a No-Dachi on his back.

The monster puts its swords across its chest in an X shape, and black purple smoke began to come out of it, and soon he began to inhale the smoke.

Rory kept watching and with each passing second, more and more smoke was inhaled by the monster, and then the monster's body began to grow.

It only took a few seconds, the monster inhalated all the smoke. His once thin body is now full of muscles ready to explode with force.

''....that's it? Really?'' Rory sighs in disappointment.

She looked at his life and saw that there was only five percent left. The black smoke that came out of him is actually his own life, his second stage is basically using his HP points, as a supplement to drastically increase strength.

''I think I expected a lot from a first floor bo-!!''

Sensing danger, Rory jumps to the side, and then she hears a crash.


The impact was so strong that she was sent flying close to the other players, and she also lost some HP.

She steadies herself on the ground with the halberd and quickly raises her head, and sees that where she was standing, a black sword was stuck in the ground, and the boss was standing there where was she before.

A drop of sweat falls from her forehead and she gives a nervous smile, 'It looks like he not only got incredibly strong, but also faster, I didn't think it would make that much difference...I barely saw him coming'

If she takes just one hit from him, she's pretty sure she's going to die. Unfortunately she can only bear 'dying' once, here she is not truly immortal. She doesn't care if she dies, if she does end up dying, it's because she was weak, but that doesn't mean she wants to die, she still has a dream to fulfill.

The monster slowly raises its head and looks at her.

'Hmmm....what to do....' she ponders.

''Rory! Are you okay?!''

Rory hears a familiar voice but doesn't dare take her eyes off the monster, 'Silica!'

She just remembered that she and the monster weren't the only ones fighting in this big room, the fervor of the battle made her forget that Silica and the others players were here too.

Rory couldn't stop looking at the monster, but she could feel several glances at her and at the monster, looks of fear and dread, it seems the monster's powerfull blow caught the attention of the others.

She sees that the monster seems to want to attack again, and quickly runs to the side, away from Silica, who still seems to be fighting. She still can heard the noise of swords clashing.

The monster disappears from where it was and appears in front of Rory, he charged like a mad bull, with both swords ready to crush Rory.

She barely manages to dodge, but not without a price. She barely had time to react, and ended up losing an arm.

The other players hear another big crash and want to look, but IIIFang was in its second stage too, and his speed and power increased dramatically with it.

Luckily, Kirito doesn't seem to have freaked out about it as much as he was in the anime, as the second stage of IIIFang is different from the Beta.

Rory once again is sent flying by the shock wave caused by the powerfull attack and steadies herself with the halberd to the ground again, and quickly looks at the arm she lost.

''Tsk! So annoying!'' she clicks her tongue in annoyance.

With her lost arm she also lost almost tirty percent HP, she could wait to recover or drink a potion if it was before, but now, if she took her eyes off him for a second, she would lose her trump card, and then die.

'He looks like a raging bull, he blocks my position, and then rushes towards me with all his speed and strength...wait, I can use this!' Rory has an idea and a smile appears on her face, 'I can't block his charge, but there's someone who can!'


Hearing Rory call her name, Silica stops attacking IIIFang and looks at Rory with concern, ''Rory?! What happened to your arm?!''

IIIFang is practically being controlled now, Agil and Kirito have managed to block all attacks and the players are about to kill him, so when she heard Rory call out, she thought she could finally help her, but it doesn't seem like she can help her....

Rory had lost an arm, her armor was mostly torn, probably ready to break, and her HP is on yellow. Silica quickly looks to were Rory was looking and sees the black monster, who now looks twice as muscular as IIIFang.

Chills ran up Silica's spine, IIIFang looks like a child compared to him.

''Silica! What is the current HP of IIIFang?'' Rory asks while dodging another charge.

''E-Eh?! A-Ah! He's still have ten percent of HP left!!''

'Perfect!' Rory thought.

''Listen, Silica! I need you to get away from near IIIFang as soon as possible!'' Rory sees the monster preparing for another charge and prepares to dodge.

''W-Why?'' Silica asks doubtfully, but she soon got her answer and her eyes widened.

Rory dodged once more from the charge attack and, instead of steadying herself on the ground with the halberd, she let the shock wave push her, and she was heading towards them.

''RORY?! WHY ARE YOU COMING HERE?!'' Silica exclaims in fear.

Rory looks at Silica and sticks out her tongue with a wink.

Rory lands on the ground and continues towards them, some players heard Silica's scream and turned in confusion, and saw Rory running towards them...with the black monster right behind her.

''What do you think you're doing, you crazy girl!?'' Asuna yells at Rory.

''She's not doing what I think she's doing...right?'' Kirito asks in disbelief to Agil who was beside him defending a IIIFang attack along with him.

''I...I think she is...'' Agil responds with a forced smile.

Agil, who took the post of leader of this expedition, turns to the players with anxiety , ''You guys! Get away from here as fast as you can!''

The players who were focused on the fight didn't understand why, until they heard a terrifying roar coming from the other side, and everyone who weren't paying attention before looked there.

They saw Rory who was missing an arm running towards them, and right behind her, there is the black monster that somehow looks scarier, and he appears to be preparing for an attack.

' 'What does this crazy bitch think she's doing?!' ' they thought in unison.

''DON'T JUST STAND THERE, RUN!'' Asuna yells at the players watching Rory approach, and then they all start running away from near IIIFang.

IIIFang sees that the players are running away and wants to run after them, but then a halberd hits his head and lands right behind him. He turns and sees a player running towards him and, as she is the closest player, he runs towards her brandishing his sword.

Seeing this, Rory smiles.

by Rory's ccounts, it takes seven seconds for the monster to do another charge towards her, and from the moment she was thrown through the shock wave to the moment she approached IIIFang, six seconds have passed.

A crimson glow comes out of Rory's eyes, 'Now!'

IIIFang swings his sword downward, ready to hit Rory, but Rory skidded to the ground and passed under his legs, and came to the side of her halberd who is lying on the ground behind IIIFang.

He tried to stop his attack to turn and chase her, but a huge black shadow collided with him, and he also hit the shadow with his sword, which was the attack that was aiming for Rory.

As IIIFang was big and heavy, he wasn't sent flying by the collision, but he nearly fell and lost a lot of HP, he now barely had two percent health, and not wanting to miss this opportunity, Rory grabs her halberd, and attacks IIIFang from behind, making the last attack on him, causing his life to reach Zero.

IIIFang was about to explode into blue particles, but Rory paid no attention to it. She quickly jumps on IIIFang's body and then jumps towards the black monster, who was just in front of her and who still looked stunned from the impact.

She get's above his head and swings her halberd down, ''Thank you for your charity~!''

With this one last attack, she cuts the monster from top to bottom, also bringing its HP to zero.

Rory falls to the ground in the middle of the two, and the two explode into particules. IIIFang exploded into blue particles and the monster into purple particles.

A second passed and a large white message appeared in the middle of the room, leaving everyone stunned.
