Rory the Kill-Steal


A huge white congratulation sign appeared in the middle of the room, congratulating all the players, and in front of Rory, two smaller notification appeared.




You got the last attacking bonus!

Bonus Item: Coat of Midnight.





You got the last attacking bonus!

Bonus Item: Chaos Fragment.



''Oh my, I know what the first item is, but what would this fragment of chaos be?''

Rory opens her inventory and looks for the item. She finds the item with the same image as the stone that IIIFeng used, and then sees its description.



Chaos Fragment (???)

Use: ???

Description: A Fragment of Light that has been corrupted by the power of Chaos.



''Unknown use? Now this is interesting~, maybe Gabriel knows about this, but how can I contact her I wonder?''

As Rory pondered one of her rewards, the players were a few feet away from her, and all of them, including Silica, were looking at her with dead fish eyes.

''She...just stole the last attack on the boss, didn't she?'' Asuna says, alongside the other players.

''Yeah she did...''


''She really did it...''

''I know we survived, but I really can't feel happy...''

''I understand you...''

Rory notices the eyes on her, and she smiles at the others, ''Oh my~, if you guys stare at me like that, I'll end up getting embarrassed~'' she says teasingly with her finger on her lips.

' 'How can she be so shameless?!' ' they all think in unison.

''You bitch! How can you do that?! We work hard to defeat him! Give us back what you stole!'' A voice from someone who appears to be hiding himself echoes from the small crowd of fourteen players.

This voice of rebellion caused some players to start ordering her to give them her drops as well, but Rory just stares at them coldly.

Agil, Kirito, Silica and Asuna are surprised to hear them, Rory may have stolen the kill, but she was the one who single-handedly defeated the other boss, making them able to concentrate on IIIFang, even though they were a little upset, their life it's worth more than a few drops and money, so they don't feel like Rory owes them anything, on the contrary, they are grateful.

''Heh~, If you want the Boss drops so bad... why don't you come get them?'' Rory gives the halberd blade a sensual little lick, but for the players, it was menacing.

The players who were complaining back off with their heads down and look away.

''Cowards...'' Rory mutters.

Rory then sees that her HP is almost full from [Super Regeneration], and when it fills her HP bar, the arm she lost simply reappears.

She exercises her arm a little to make sure there is no discomfort and smiles as she looks at it, ''How convenient.''

''Rory!'' Silica, who couldn't hold back anymore, run and jumps on her.

Rory opens her arms and grabs Silica in a hug, ''Oh my~, what is it, Silica?''

''Sniff*, I thought you were going to die....'' she cries into Rory's shoulder, and Rory pats her head gently.

''Now now~, It's okay, I didn't die, don't worry.''

Rory already sees Silica as a cute little sister, Rebecca in her childhood was an older sister of seven other siblings, so it might be Rebecca's influence, or, who knows, it might actually be Rory's will.

''Rory-san!'' Still holding a crying Silica in her arms, Kirito, Asuna and Agil approached her.

''Thank you for helping us!'' Agil bows to Rory, Kirito, seeing this, does the same, and Asuna just looks away with a snort.

They are very confused about what happened, about what that creature was, and mostly, how Rory could fight against that creature alone and defeat it, but just the fact that they are alive for now is enough, they can ask later, after all, everyone is very tired and traumatized.

Rory simply smiles, ''There's no need to thank me, I didn't do it for you guys.''

''Even so.....thank you.'' Kirito responds, still bowed along with Agil.

''Ehem, I...thank you for that too.'' Asuna says with her face turned away.

Rory puts her hand over her mouth and gives a sarcastic giggle as she sees Asuna's tsundere performance, ''Fufu, I see~''

''Well, if that's it for now, see you on the second floor~!'' Rory waves to them and starts walking towards the stairs that lead to the second floor, and then she feels Silica taking her hand and following her.

Rory then lets go of Silica's hand, and suddenly flicks her in the middle of her forehead.

''Ouch?! What was that for?!'' Silica exclaims as she puts her hands on her aching forehead.

''Sorry Silica, but for now you can't come with me.'' Rory says with a little sadness.

Silica widens her eyes and grabs Rory's hand, ''Why not?! Are you... tired of me?'' at the thought of the possibility of her best and only friend in this world abandoning her, tears begin to well up in her eyes.

Rory sighs and pats her head to calm her down, ''That's not it....I just want you to make more friends, being close to me for too long will only hurt you, I want you to become independent from me.'' she says firmly.

Silica tilts her head in doubt, she doesn't know why Rory is saying this now, after all, they've been together for a month.

Rory realized that Silica is gradually becoming like her, and she doesn't want that, she wants Silica to have other friends to talk to besides her, because if this continues, it could be that Silica will create some kind of a antisocial personality or even a distorted personality like she has.

Rory's personality might be a normal thing in the world she came from, but in the modern world, she would be treated as crazy or psychopath/sociopath. Not that she cares, but Silica isn't strong enough to protect herself in the case she developt a personality like hers.

Also, Rory has things to do, and she wants to do it alone.

''How about we make a promise? If you go with Asuna-chan and those other two, on the third floor we'll meet again and I'll give you a surprise, how about that?'' Rory clenches her fist and raises her pinky toward Silica.

Silica hesitates, she doesn't want to be separated from Rory, but she looks Rory in the eyes and realizes that Rory is also sad, there must be some reason why she wants that.

Silica doesn't hesitate anymore, and she squeezes Rory's pinky with her pinky, ''It's a pinky promise then!'' Silica responds with a smile, but tears still fall from her eyes.

Rory giggles and looks at Asuna, ''Asuna-chan~, take care of Silica for me, ok~?''

''I would already take care of Silica-chan even without you asking!'' She snorts.

''Eh~ how cold, I swore that you liked me~'' Rory responds, pretending to be disappointed.

''Not in a million years!''she exclaims.

Rory intimidated Asuna a lot, especially on the road towards the first floor boss, no one noticed, but Rory kept groping Asuna's chest and ass just for fun, and as a high-class girl, it pissed off Asuna a lot.

Of course, she tried to attack Rory silently, because if everyone realized what Rory was doing, she would die of embarrassment, but she couldn't hit her not even once!

But if Asuna knew that Rory didn't know why she wanted to grope her, she'd be even angrier. Rory just had a feeling that she needed to grope Asuna, and Rory liked it.

Rory looks at Agil, Kirito, Asuna and Silica and smiles with a wave as she says goodbye for now.

None of the four realized that Rory had ever categorized them as a team, but none of them seemed to dislike the idea, or maybe they didn't even realize they already looked like a team.

Rory then goes up the stairs to the second floor and opens the doors of the second floor.

Ahead, she sees a green plain full of grass and flowers, and then she steps forward, and becomes the first player to enter the second floor.

Not caring too much about the scenery, she started walking towards the first village on the second floor, but then she heard hurried footsteps coming from behind her.

''R-Rory-san! Wait a second!'' she turns and sees Kirito approaching her, panting.

''Oh my, what is it, Kirito-san?''

''Erm....I....I was wondering if you could show me what the bosses dropped.'' Kirito asks somewhat hesitantly.

Rory laughs internally, he's really a gamer, they're in a death game, but he still has time to get curious about these things.

Rory thinks for a few seconds and then from her inventory, she takes off her Coat of Midnight and shows it to Kirito.

''I can only show you this one, the other one is a secret~''

Kirito doesn't pressure Rory about the other item and asks: ''What effect does it have?''

''Hmm~, In addition to having a good defense, it increases a player's [Hide] skill by a good margin.''

Kirito's eyes lit up with this information, as a solo player, he favors the [Hide] skill a lot, ''I see, it's a really good item!'' he says with a little envy.

''I guess, but I will sell it later, I have no use for it.'' Rory responds without much emotion.

''I see, you're going to sell it....wait, what? YOU WILL SELL IT?'' Kirito exclaims in surprise.

'She will sell an equipment dropped from a floor boss?! She has no use for him?! What...wait, maybe she droped another equipment from that black boss?' Kirito deduces.

He looks at Rory and sees that she is smiling as usual, no change in her face, she doesn't seem to be lying, 'This really seems to be the case.' he concludes.

''In this case, Rory-san, could you sell this equipment to me now?'' Kirito asks expectantly.

Rory, of course, had no reason to refuse, but then an idea crossed her mind, ''Sure, why not~?''

''YEAH!!'' Kirito jumps in joy.


Rory interrupts Kirito's moment of happiness and he looks at her in confusion, ''I don't want your money, I want you to take a vow.''

Kirito looks at Rory strangely and she giggles, '' Don't worry, it's something that will benefit both of us~''