Chapter 15

Nevertheless whenever the birds got closer to the woman she got even more terrified. Successively some of the birds changed into spikes and started to rotate about her..

She got even aghasted and progressed to become more restless

Eventually she begun to scream in order to seek help and to scare away DeJang.

Thank to supernaturally effects,her voice box propagated a loud sound with an infuriatingly high frequency making it cutting edge sharp. It was so piercing that it made MeiYang aggressively knit his eyebrows as well as those who could hear..

However DeJang could not care less. The more she screamed, the more ferocious and callous-looking he became and so did his birds..

"Making it stop,!!", The people in the house as well as everyone else screamed but their pleas were meaningless.

She kept on screaming and the man next to her struggled shamelessly to free himself but to no avail. Their capturer was domineeringly stronger and more apoplectic..

" DeJang, stop the sound", MeiYang ordered him but he knows that DeJang probably can't hear him and he was right..

Though DeJang appeared normal to MeiYang, he looked lurid to the lady and that is always the way that these creatures of reverse energy see him. Only those that have a noticeable amount of negative energy can see him as a morbid existence. It's a strange phenomena but thankfully it's that way otherwise everyone would always want to kill him.

He looked awfully cadaverous because his entire face was devoid of anything else except a large mouth covering everything on his face from temple to chin and from ear to ear. The large mouth on his face was made of shark teeth that were arranged side to side with a large slit in the middle that had a twenty centimeters forked tongue that slithered in and out . All these features made him look like a repugnant cross mutation of a human and hagfish

He was not pleasant at all

DeJang directed his attention to the woman and she wailed even more. Thanks to this, her mouth tore even further such that an entire set of emerald green teeth and black gums were on display. She looked like the remnants of whatever life she had left was draining out of her when DeJang was directed to her.. Predominantly her iris started to get slit by developing an X that had a line dividing the X into up and down..

Seeing this DeJang outstretched his hands and four tentacles emitted from his back like wings and one of the tentacles fell to the ground and helped to slightly DeJang off the ground.

As he floated towards her, his head was being swayed from left to right like a king cobra while his tongue slithered in and out of his mouth exactly like the pernicious reptile.. He seemed crazy to MeiYang and his sect brothers that were watching.

She carried on yelping. Sequentially her voice was so powerful that it seemed to slightly swirl the air . once again DeJang seemed unaffected by futile attempts of inflicting fear..

Within ten seconds he was ten feet from her.

In reality as the rest of his face was masked, the only thing he appeared to do was knit his eyebrows . But in actuality his slit mouth opened extraordinarily wide . Simultaneously one of the remaining three tentacles pierced right through the woman and lifted her off the ground. At the end of the tentacle was strange looking reptile like a small dragon and it was more slithery than a salamander but it had antennas and a single eye that was exactly like the woman s hand.

The salamander was grabbed by the throat and was seeking to escape.

Everyone s jaw dropped to the ground because as cultivators they can see the slimy smoky creature. But they way astonished by the way DeJang pinpointed it and pulled it out

After fifteen seconds, the two tentacles moved over to trap the reptile . Eventually the creature was restricted by the serpents. One tentacle at the throat , one the abdomen and the last grabbed the legs.

Because the salamander was held vertically there was no other way to manipulate it. Without a second doubt the two handles at the legs and head ripped laterally to the left while the one at the abdomen tore forcefully to the right . This divided the creature into three separate parts .

Simultaneously as the creature wrangled its last few moments of life, DeJang squeezed the parts and they puffed into dust.

Consecutively he let his tentacle move out the woman who was now undoubtedly quite and unconscious. She slammed to the ground and when she did that the man followed ensuite like two others who were somewhere in the yard.

MeiYang stared at DeJang because he doesn't know what he was thinking but honestly he just mesmerized. There was no mistaking the awe in his eyes.

"Gather everyone for interrogation, I will catch-up", DeJang told MeiYang and he proceeded to jump over the wall

MeiYang who was still bewildered didn't properly hear what he said but he did desire to follow DeJang . Despite this , he could not leave this scene unsupervised . Needless to say that he would get in really big trouble with physical burdening consequences should he said submit to his occasionally overpowering curiosity

He took out his golden leaves and threw them to the two perpetrators on the ground

He can't touch them for now . He could clean or purify them but something feels offish about this so he can't purify as that will erase all clues

He squatted then peered at her lying unconscious on the floor. Is it strange that she looks more peaceful when she looks dead? For some reason she also reminds him someone he can't exactly remember. Someone he felt like he had seen in a dream or a crowded place. A face he can't picture but can't forget. Is it strange that she remind him of someone who feels a million miles away..

' aghh!', he got frustrated by him getting temporarily absentminded at the wrong time.

This reprimand brought him to his senses. And the next step from here was inarguable. As much as he hated taking instructions from DeJang, all he can do now is what DeJang commanded him to do..

"Young master, is miss alright?", The older man smelling of grease spoke. He emerged out of nowhere and was accompanied by an middle aged woman who has on an apron and mist be the maid..

" It's too early to tell" , MeiYang spoke calmly but e was startled as he did hear them or expect their arrival

" Are we in danger? ", The older lady spoke and she started to sob after she peeked at the young miss looking like a corpse

" Ms Jun..", the male worker held her and started to console her. He clung to her and they just stood there.

He stood up and told them to prepare some overnight clothes for everyone. They obediently dragged themselves to the east side of the yard.

MeiYang on the other hand headed for the house. To be honest from the moment he got here all he wanted to do was to walk in through those doors and the long awaited moment has finally come.

He ascended the two stairs, knocked and stated his name and origin. After a handful of seconds was only when the door opened. He could tell the delay was caused by a dispute inside.

The person who opened the door was an elderly lady with not so deep wrinkles. Either she has a youthful look or she uses a lot of powder to conceal her aging. She was dressed in cream white Hanfu and had several beads and pins on her pitch black hair. She looked very expensive but this look was also coated her unmissable concern and paranoia..

MeiYang bowed to her and she welcomed him into the house.

As expected the interior design was marvelous and was an immaculate demonstration of the boundless capabilities of money , especially when it falls off one s finger tips..

There was a large circular table in the middle of the room and paintings on the wall. There were a bunch of lively young fish on the artwork, making it an overall exquisite piece

The flowers were white dandelions and were quite fresh thus must have been changed this morning.

The lady headed to the other room and MeiYang followed along.

They passed by two entry ways that had folded curtains and were probably the study room and the office space. Fancy houses like this always possess these two features because business men need an isolated place to handle their affairs.

They arrived in a place that had large rectangular entryway as she pushed open another door, MeiYang almost said wow.

After entering the humongous hundred and fifty square foot space, there were six large pillars arranged parallel, three on each side . They were blood red and had jade decorations at the parts that met the intense brown roof. Their design gave them the appearance of glass but that is an illusion since they were tough as steel. The pillars served as room dividers as it shows that after the pillars there are other uses of the space . Basically that meant that only hundred square foot of the place is reserved for the something else and the rest is the pathways.

This was truly an abundant use of space.

The main attraction for this space enclosed by the pillars is the dinning room. Yet again in here there were paintings on the back wall and there showed several landscape as well . There was a single dark brown sienna cupboard in the place and it had yet another vase with white glaze and on its lower shelves was some books and sculptures of inanimate objects

Once more there was a large mahogany black table. It was bone clean like it just came the shop and its newness was significantly highlighted by the long white cloth that had gold embroidery on the edges. On the cloth there were three ceramic sculptures and the one in the middle was just a platter with three spherical designs

" Tell us what is going on!", The man commanded and the lady immediately reprimanded him for lack of respect . The man seemed to be the master of the house because of his antique look, attire and egotistical way of speaking

" Sir , we have to gather clues around the mansion before they go stale", MeiYang explained as elegantly as possible but he honestly wanted to slap this man for daring to raise his voice at him

" First you trespass my property, then you trap us in our house without any explanation , then you attack my daughter like she is a fugitive now you want to harass our privacy. Is this the sovereign s ideal way of helping citizens ", he questioned and he was yet again interrupted by the lady.

" Sir, the miss has a demon..", MeiYang attempted to explain

" Demon!! ", His choleric exclamation shows that he think MeiYang was spewing parables.

" Please let me see her . Is she okay!! ', the elderly lady spoke on the verge of tears . It really shows that he soul is torn and yearning for her daughter

Another young female about the same age as the miss outside grabbed onto the elderly lady . She was finely dressed and must be her daughter

" This is ridiculous!!", The man was growled and viciously slammed the table

The sound was so large that it almost startled MeiYang but better still someone softly shrieked a little behind the pillars.

MeiYang turned towards the pillars and he stared at it. He was sure that someone is hiding behind it but he is not sure whether it is a good to act on it.

Footsteps came behind MeiYang and when they arrested LiuHe was standing to MeiYang s side.

" We have to move her body ", LiuHe spoke to MeiYang a little too loudly

" Body!! ", Everyone cried

" YuFen verified that she is conscious. But we have to be sure she is fine. I seek permission to begin biopsy ", He spoke and no one answered him

MeiYang knodded slowly and he bowed to affirm this ..

Of course he doesn't need MeiYang s permission for that . Just that he needed to find a way to tell MeiYang that the little miss s body is covered in clues and needs to be isolated. Therefore MeiYang has to keep the family occupied or better yet get rid of them.

"We need to make sure that the demon is not across the place , its imperative to move away from for a couple of days", DeJang spoke and the elderly lady agreed saying that as long as they help the miss. DeJang was standing by the doorway.

The man looked to DeJang, swore under his breath then stormed away from the room and he headed to his study room. Chances are he is going to write a letter of complaint.

"Can you please lead me to the miss s quarters if that is not a bother", LiuHe asked for permission and the two females looked to each other before they both headed to the left side of the room and left while he tailed

MeiYang felt like this just progressed too fast but then again it's probably for the better.

As he was standing there, DeJang was stationed cross-armed behind him and told him that everyone is acting too suspicious to which MeiYang agreed.

" Compel the puppet in the other room to write a confession and erase his memory", DeJang proposed and MeiYang said that there is no other quicker way around it .

MeiYang pointed to the pillar then he turned and left the room. He was implying that DeJang handle whatever is behind the pillar while he goes and deal with 'the puppet'

DeJang promptly moved to the pillar with the least bit of stealth . It's not that he didn't want to, it's that he never bothers to do so.

He strolled still cross-armed and then without any caution, he just peeked over the pillar..