Chapter 16

There was nothing behind the pillar.

DeJang got partially annoyed at MeiYang for making him act like a useless individual. He turned and he walked out of the room . In the next seconds, he headed towards the study room where MeiYang is supposed to be

He thoughtlessly pushed open the doors and then entered the extremely luxurious room in which, the man sat frozen .

He was under hypnosis but MeiYang was absent in the room. DeJang moved closer to the man and sat on the corner of the table, facing him

" Where is Zhao Yang?", He crossed his arms and questioned him but the man was quiet as he focused on writing.

He exhaled and surrendered after not getting anything useful from him . He pulled on the top paper he was scribbling and indeed he was producing a complaint.

" Is there something that you shouldn't tell me?", he casually asked him while he raced his eyes on what was on the paper...

" My child is crying ", he spoke and DeJang arched his eyebrows as he thought he was listing obvious facts. Of course the young miss is possessed and it's typical there must have been some sort of dispute going on.

" In the backyard ", he answered and DeJang turned to him.What is this man talking about? He has a child in the backyard!

DeJang had surveyed the entire yard and there was not a single person in the backyard because they had all ran to the side porch where YuFen watched them.

Either he is talking about the young miss outside or he is not understanding the question.

The man continued writing on the bottom paper .

DeJang moved the man s hand , placed the paper underneath and he replaced the hand on top.

Immediately then DeJang told the man to stay put and he stood off the table and he walked out of the study room.


MeiYang was in the back yard and was holding a large glowing green snowflake, checking for life.

He has the elemental power. He is able to use elements of the earth to manipulate certain things.

There are actually four kinds of manipulation. Element, Animal, Plant and Metal. These have been arranged in descending order of difficulty and ascending order of popularity.

They all have advantages and disadvantages but the most disadvantaging one is the elemental because it involves many elements in different states.

MeiYang had initially chose plant but his brothers and cousin were given high tier powers so his father reassigned him the elemental.

MeiYang moved through the backyard.

The backyard of this mansion is no different from the king a courtyard, if it was resized.

There is a medium sized pebble stone pathway that leads to a large platform.

The platform is similar to a pavilion, exclusive of walls and this one has banisters and railings. The platform has an sixteen sided polygon table resting on legs that are made by stacking circular pieces of cement one on top of the other. There are four long stone benches guarding the table perimeter.

On the center, there is a large vase of peonies that appear to be picked from the garden .

The said garden is composed of a series of small clusters of ornamental plants , strategically scattered all around, especially near the small pond on the other side of the platform.

Judging from the number of small bushes and clusters, there are probably twelve different types in comparison to the palace that has thirty such and four ponds .

" There is no one here", he spoke and in the next moment, he shifted towards the house and he saw the colour change towards the porch side and he looked towards the other side . He let his snowflake melt.

He walked back into the house through the sliding doors that he had used to lead him outside.

As he entered the space, to his left would be the porch side and the right side should probably be some bedrooms and a resting place.

He could hear people talking on the porch side and LiuHe was busy correcting them and impatiently answering them.

He reproduced his snowflake once again and it was pulsating. There indeed was a life. He turned to the right side of the house and he passed several small shelves with books and statues.

He passed by a large room that was significantly responsible for categorizing the architecture as top-notg . This exclusive space looked like a conference room thanks to the titanic table on the spotlight . Not forgetting the intriquete eight chairs bordering this monstrous table. Moon red flowers on top that magestically posed, sold the scene to value the king would not mind paying in hundredfold.

It seemed like a formal replication of the room where MeiYang had left DeJang.

His snowflake kept thumping so he kept on walking.

He knows that this test never lies but he is getting really stranded. Not because he has been lied to and he foolishly believed the lies but because he suspects that there is something really dirty going on

Before MeiYang went to the porch, he met the duo that had ran to him at the front yard. He had asked the lady if everyone is in the porch and she just sobbed pitifully. That was a relevant emotional reaction for the circumstance but not for MeiYang s question. She could either have said that her miss is out there or that there is no one else .

After following along the passage of this stunning house, MeiYang reached the residential side

There were two doors, one to his left and another to the right. The panels were not directly facing each other and they were separated by about eight meters of space , that was occupied by a backless ,royal-blue stool with two miniature ceramic, algal-gree glazed tables on each side. On each one was a sizable cream-white platter, one with decorations and the other had some small books.

He shifted his snowflake to the right. there was nothing.

It was not until he replicated the act to the left when he saw the pulsation get more defined.

He went to the panels, took out his weapon and used the handle of his whip to interlock on the handle of the door . Soon after he pushed it to the side slowly to expose the scenery behind.

Elegant, graceful and poignant. The lighting in this room was marvelous, not to mention the choice of color for furniture and the unearthly arrangement.

The gorgeous bombastic bed had a canopy with light orange transparent drapes , that were glued to the four legs of the canopy, using a golden backtwist rope

The bed was stationed in the middle of the spacious room and its head was made of dark brown sienna wood ,that was carved and painted in silver , immitating a lustrish feel.It was scrupulously laid with pure white sheets and equally white cushions.Nightstands were finely polished to a shimmer and one had a golden tray with an empty glass .

There was also a white drape over the large roof to floor windows on both sides of the wall , in front of the bed. The window on the left, was slightly open and the thin drapes misbehaved as if on a voyage on the wind.

To the left side of the bed was a medium table with three chairs and a couple of coloring books with some charcoal brushes .The table was made from the same wood as the canopy.

To the right side of the room was a black frame Fusuma room divider, showing that what lies behind this structure could be a bathroom or a dressing room.

Towards the right corner of the room was a large closet made of white wood and probably contained all the garmets of the owner of the room

Of course just like the main house there were a bunch of paints that were galactically lovely

MeiYang lowered his hand but the snowflake instead floated around the room .

It pulsated.

There is someone in this room.

He raised his hand to the left towards the bed and the pulsation got weaker , he raised his hand towards the closet and the pulsation was even weaker and there he turned his head toward the right.

He left the snow flake to dissolve and that is when he moved towards the room divider

He placed his hand on the slider and moved it to the side

He moved further into the space . There was yet another curtain of very thin drapes like those on the bed.

He could almost make out the contours of a human behind the drapes but he was unsure.

He took another step into the seclusion and the figure behind the drapes jumped a little , replicating the same sound he heard when the master of the house yelled. There was no mistaking that it could be a human

MeiYang raised his hand to the drape to pulled it backwards. Soon enough he revealed the individual

The person had the same build as LiuHe and was squatting as if in fetal position . They were dressed in a pale-green , light clean cloth that was pinned to their frail waist with a simple blue , thick belt the same color as MeiYang s clothes. They had on a white overcoat that was hanging over their small frame and looked like they thoughtlessly put it on

Their deep black hair was held in a low laying ponytail and there was a deep pink ribbon running the entire length of their braid that was side swept and reached to the middle rib.Their long , cheek-hugging bangs had escaped onto the face and had covered their forehead and a brief portion of their eyes.

The individual was holding a blue-edge, deep pink ribbon in their hands , which were covering their mouth. Their entire face was concealed by the hoodie of the white coat they had on.

" Are you..?", he tried to question them and the person once more jumped in fear and stationed back onto the wall .

" Young master..", the old lady who had been sobbing in the front porch stormed into the room through the same doors MeiYang had forgetfully left open.

MeiYang rotated his torso to her and she already ran to MeiYang when he saw him standing there

She pushed MeiYang to the side and ran to the person in front of MeiYang

She pulled down their hands but they were hesitant . Eventually they submitted as the old lady was repeatedly calling them master.

The lady supported the individual to stand even though they looked like they would fall over . Immediately then she started to asses their body , probably checking for injuries.

" I told you leave. Why are you still here", she rhetorically asked touching the quiet person all over

" Shhh", the man shushed her. He entered through the window and he went and closed the doors before galloping closer to the woman

" Don't shush me", she yelled.

" You saw he is fine . We have to go back to the others", he screamed at her with teeth clenched. And after that he moved overbearingly to her and he pulled back the old lady.

" Young master , you have to leave", she told the person again, crying even more hysterically

" How is he going to do that?", The man questioned her. Honestly he seemed keen to leave. He must not be aware that the person who assigned him to do that is standing with him.

The woman looked around the room and then to MeiYang .

" Please, please ", She walked to him and nearly fell to her knees however the other man caught her.

" Please take him away. Young master must return home ", she pleaded to MeiYang , forcefully rubbing her hands against each other

" What are you talking about? ", MeiYang was confused. What home? Return where? Why?

" Please, I beg of you. Take this and go to the Blue moon inn. It's his home ", she tried to explain but was not making things any easier. MeiYang was just bewildered..

She pulled out her coin sachet and she shoved the money onto MeiYang..

" I beg of you please", she tried to go to her knees again but this time both MeiYang and the other man caught her.

" I can't do that. Y-young master could be a suspect", he reasoned firmly. He tried not to sound aggressive and insensitive but he failed.

" Are you serious? What could a blind child possibly do? ", She scolded him almost implying that he is insane

" Blind.. ", he mumbled the word and he turned to look at the individual in question.

" Where is your walker", she asked escaping from the man s hold and went to check the individual s waist. There was a loop-like-holster to the side of the belt but it was empty.

She pulled and dragged on the ribbon that was tied to his hand. She tied the ribbon to the man who was holding her.

" Fang will show you the way. Please follow him", she spoke while tying it to Fang. It's not clear if she was addressing MeiYang or Young master.

Fang pulled off the red ribbon and the young master was shocked by the tugging . He walked past MeiYang, towards the large window that was now open.

As he passed him, young master s garmets flew over MeiYang s whip and he went behind Fang

" Aunt, did you forget I also work here? I can't take Xiao'Lai anywhere. ", Fang gritted his teeth at his aunt

He untied the rope and he shoved it to MeiYang.

" Please, please take him", she prayed to MeiYang..

' Knock, knock!! '

Someone was at the doors.