Chapter 17

Fang pushed Xiao'Lai behind the curtain. He jumped out t to act normal by then the knocker had already stepped into the room.

The young maid immediately bowed to the people in the room and explained that she heard talking from the outside and thought that is where Fang could be.

" Why are you looking for me?", he barked at her already feeling like she didn't have to be here.

" Young master has come back", she fidgeted and turned her eyes to MeiYang,then eyed him like dessert.

Fang knodded, partly scared , then told her to go and prepare his clothes. He was commanding her so much that it seemed he was trying to evacuate her from earth.

She knew she had been exposed since she was gawking at MeiYang so she turned to leave the room and immediately Fang panicked and he said that disaster had come.

He pulled his aunt who was at first reluctant and they steeped out of the room.

MeiYang was confused and he sort of didn't know what to do. It's his first time being in such a situation where he doesn't know whether to believe a victim but DeJang told him that no matter what happens, never believe the suspect. And when ever there is a potential crime of the blood, everyone is a suspect.

Especially those that display emotions with the most intensity. Even expressionlessness and indifference are also an emotion.

" Are you okay?", He asked the person behind the curtain and the person didn't respond.

He didn't expect to get an answer because the poor child could be scared. There is no reason to label him blind if he isn't so he must be . And if so why would a blind child who is not aware of anything be comfortable being dragged around by strangers whom otherwise become familiar to him if he can accurately recognizing their voice and link it to their identities .

MeiYang took out a leaf and he tossed it to the sky. it transformed to a seal and he then went to the side of the bed.

". I will look for any bad energy in the room. Come out when you feel comfortable. Or just let me know if you need help. ", He told him and he felt like he was being too nice and his kindness can easily get mistaken for pitiness and that is the worst kind of thing for people who fate has not been easygoing on

" I am a junior cultivator from the south sect. I cultivate bad energy. Those are bad things that come from bad thoughts and ungood intentions. They will manifest into physical forms and posses people causing them to act like the young miss outside", he told him and when he walked around the room the seal followed along and it remained a single colour as he moved around the room .

He reached the study table and when the seal hover over it , it duplicated itself.

The first sign that something could be link to a source of bad energy. It's a partially reliable test because it only duplicates if someone with bad energy had contacted that thing recently otherwise it's useless

MeiYang didn't pay much attention to the duplication and he continued surveying the room..

He lifted the cover of the bed with the handle of his whip. It glowed when he did that and the seal doubled over his head.

He left the cover and then he turned to the nightstand.


" Who are you and what do you want?", The young master barked at LiuHe and YuFen . These two were standing next to each other and YuFen looked slightly unbothered by this man . However he managed to be quite aware of his incredible condescending

He stood wearing dirty white clothes and the branches on his shoes were light green. A very exotic and interesting colour choice .

ChiangHui is only twenty-four but he is by far the most loud-mouth noble of his age,. He has no respect for anyone and he drinks and parties like the world depends on it.

He finished school at the age of eighteen by then he refused to work for anyone . He inherited a lot of money-generating projects from one man and he has been accumulating the rest on his own, by making a lot of one-sided deals. Because he has so many of them , either he is a crook or thee world is filled with rich fools.

ChiangHui loves to blow the money that he gets from the projects in town . no matter how much he spends, a lot more is waiting at his disposal. His favorite way of blowing cash is through call girls , whom he invites every two days. They would spend the night drinking and the girls would dance nude, showing him their gifts which he really adores. By the end of the week he would have seen atleast ten girls naked. And word has it that these girls sing praises for ChiangHui but maybe they do that for his money.

Chiang is all things bad . The only thing positive about him is his money, his good looks and soft tongue which explains why he gets away with so many things is all things bad.

The master of this house is his closest friend and does business with him . He considers him as family treats the test of his family like his own. When he is not off acting like a moralless and careless individual, he is here acting like aa perfect family with them .

" Do you have cotton lodged in your ears ", Chiang thundered to YuFen. he spoke pointing to him because he looked older than LiuHe, who ages like a feather. LiuHe is about two or three years younger than YuFen but he looks like there is atleast a decade.

In sect life and age, the ones who have been in the sect the longest and those who have been practicing the longest are deem to be the oldest. For example, MeiYang is agewise younger than LiuHe, but they label LiuHe as his junior because he came later into the sect and unlike MeiYang doesn't have a higher status by virtue of his family.

" We are disciples from the south sect and are investigating", LiuHe jumped forward to speak and he that happened, Chiang looked at him in disgust as if to slap him. he turned back to YuFen and then he asked what on earth gave them the bravery to trespass into private property. Do the have any idea who this land belongs to?

" If you are not crooks, where is the evidence? Show me your certified warrant", he spoke outstretching his hand at them.

As he did this simple act, he arched his eyebrows and his crescent shaped eyes protruded and instead of looking like a cherry, he looked like a borelis. He looked like a cross between surreal and imagination, a mix between divine and exquisite.

He gave off such magnetic hints but because he was a bit drunk in brood daylight and was wearing this traditional hat , his alluring face was proportionally hidden.

The two looked at each other and they didn't have a warrant . If they did, it would be from the king but as of now they have absolutely nothing to present to him

" Sir , please try to understand..", LiuHe spoke

" Shut up. No one asked you to speak. ", He barked at LiuHe and LiuHe just lost it

" I don't care what is going on. Let me go inside the house", he demanded and LiuHe was trying to keep it together but that was proving to be a lot difficult than expected.

" Sir, the inside is under..", he tried to reason but he refused..

" The place is under investigation.", He barked and immediately the young master turned back

" You little twig, don't you dare raise your voice at me .. you and your cult lack of entertainment so you come here and harass us", he reprimanded LiuHe .

" What!! ", LiuHe had had enough. Though this man could be older than him in all respects, he acts so immaturely

" You do realize I can press charges for what you did. You come, no, raid private property and then you hold the civilians hostages and then you dare to block me from accessing the house. And for ... Is that NaiWen?? ", He screamed after seeing her laying in the floor

He stormed towards her and and just then LiuHe jumped in front of him

" Sir , you can't do that", he blocked him and was trying his utmost to make sure that he doesn't touch him at all.

Chiang looked at him in disbelief, no one has ever tried to stop him unless of course they wanted to die.

" Are you insane?", He asked him and almost uttered things that would make him doubt his entire life.

LiuHe stood firm on the ground and when he pushed him aside , LiuHe grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back and then he pressed it firmly onto him.

" Don't touch me", he whispered in his ear and he pushed him towards the middle. Chiang was furious and he turned back towards LiuHe who thought he had dug his own grave.

He moved towards him and as he raised his hand towards LiuHe , YuFen got between them and he explained

" Sir, there has been a case of bad energy here and we are trying to find out if it has spread and potentially keep it from doing so. Thus it's important... ", While he was still speaking the old lady and Fang stepped out the house and they headed towards the group of people..

" ..that we don't touch the evidence or that you don't associate with any other personal or object here until we have ascertained it's safe", YuFen spoke and LiuHe was standing furiously , He continued speaking up until the lady and Fang were about a couple of feet closer to him.

Fang bowed and so did the old lady. They looked very embarrassed than scared and they didn't even greet him and they didn't even bother to explain themselves. They are not his servants but manners are very important

"Hmph!", He remarked not really buying into what was happening.

" What were your names again?", He asked rubbing his forehead.

" I am Zhang YuFen , junior cultivator of the south sect and this is ..", he wanted to introduce LiuHe but then Chiang turned and called the lady behind him who was standing egoistically.

She was wearing servant clothes and the way he called her symbolizes that her use only lies in her ability to perform errands.She arrived and she bowed to the group but her fear and respect was mainly forwarded to Chiang.

" Did you get what he said?", He asked whilst holding his waist and when she fearfully replied yes

" Inform Lawyer Gu and tell him that the pimple over there even twisted my arm", he spoke and turned to towards the house but still again YuFen stopped him.

" Did you forget that you also called us names?", LiuHe blurted, adding honorifics with teeth clenched.

" Since when is that a crime ?", He silenced LiuHe and those who were listening knew that havoc had just wrecked . Judging from the personality that ChiangHui has he most definitely doesn't want to be wronged "

"I don't recall describing a person being deemed illegal ", he completed his sentence and he turned back to leave

LiuHe and YuFen were left speechless.

" Young master, please be lenient. These masters are only trying to help us and poor NaiWen. House leader is in inside and the other miss", she begged while being obedient.

" Whatever. If you dare to stop me, I will have you feeding in the gutter ", he declared and no one dared to stop while he went inside.

" Should we also pack some of miss 's clothes", she asked sweetly and harmlessly

" Do you intend to drag her corpse? ", Chiang asked while walking into the house

" She is not dead!!", LiuHe screamed and he swore before he shot to the opposite side of the house but instead jumped over the wall . He was heading for the palace to get a warrant to conduct investigation.

" Just pack for everyone else and please have anyone arrange transport to a very isolated place. Xiao'Lui will bring a warrant and some escorts. Please don't think we are trying to insult your privacy. We just want you to be safe ", he politely told them.

The old lady agreed and really felt relived when talking to YuFen. He has a delicate face and appearance. He also looks like someone who adores smiling and is very kind.