Chapter 18

" Brother, brother!!", Chiang barged through the doors and bellowed at the top of his lungs while pacing to the dinning room. His clothes attained aerodynamics thus made him look like an angry chicken that had lost its chicks. His hair that was simply held in a ponytail as if by a experienced dresser made him resemble someone with no duties at all.

" Brother! Brother Yee!!", He howled upon reaching and scanning the room .

His pursuit was fruitless therefore he went further into the room facing his head from left then back to right. He called Yee once again and didn't wait for a response and he immediately swiveled back as to leave and search elsewhere.

His eyes were immediately greeted by a cultivator dressed in all black. He was wearing his hood and he looked more like a night huntsman than a magic practitioner. DeJang was really pale right now and the light in the empty dark-themed room made him seem like he is an illusion, or a ghost just something that was not living. But he was and he was staring back to Chiang . He was also folding his arms over his chest and literally the only one portion visible were a small position of his eyes and his pale temple.

" Are you on fire? ", He mocked him but instead of Chiang , reacting to that he just kept quiet. He seemed a bit confused, indecisive and just frozen. It seemed like he was trying to process the reality if the situation but honestly it seemed like the spell that MeiYang cast of the master of the house was also casted on Chiang.

" Look, I don't have energy for this or you. Where is my brother, the owner of this house? Is he in hostage too?", He screamed at DeJang and he waved his hand disrespectfully at him . He seemed like he had been shocked back to reality , back to the situation and back to his bad attitude . Reason being how he looks and how he talks is like finding out a pink bunny is schizophrenic.

" Listen here young master . The sect is the reason you are even capable of standing here as without them, by now the young miss of this house would have pinned you to the wall. ", he shock his hand at him but he just confused him more

" Wh.. Back away", he rudely zoomed towards the door by DeJang but he was too conceited

DeJang grabbed his arm and he whirled it behind Chiang and it revolved him to face back to the table in the room. The sudden forceful action was so strong that he didn't even have the time to react and propel himself elsewhere. DeJang didn't make it akward so he tugged him away from himself and had him standing in the same place as before just facing away from Dejang

' what just happened? ', he swang back and he looked to DeJang . The cultivator in question he was looking back like nothing really happened

" Have they ever told you?", He asked softly. His gaze, pose, tone, breathing and eyes were painted in blowing colours that just showed his naughty intentions. And unfortunately this young master had never at any point been a victim so he wouldn't know. However records are made to be broken.

" What?", He was confused , curious and mostly clueless

" You look delicate when quiet", he flirted and the instant he did that a different kind of emotion surged inside of Chiang making him feel the need to slap DeJang. He felt so annoyed, diluted and everything about someone who is irate, biased and feels belittled. However to DeJang, it manifested as a different kind of feeling, that is one of fear. He could sense that the man in front of him was getting scared of him and he was not in the least be surprised , just pinched.

Chiang ignored DeJang and he looked to the floor.

' he has that look too ' ,he thought to himself and he proceeded to try and explain. All with the effort of distracting him from gaining paranoia stage but it's was pointless to do so

Chiang didn't even bother listening and he gyrated subsequently launching towards the room that everyone else is crowded.

" Suddenly I want to leave", DeJang spoke in self-pity and powerlessness . He felt this way as he is getting tired of this kind of feeling towards people. This is the longest in over three years he had stayed and interacted with people. But despite that icebreaker revelation, the reactions he gets from these people is still the same.

he followed behind Chiang .

" Wait for me. This place is filled with some bad stuff. Who would want you to get injured?", DeJang tailed him and tried to make small talk but Chiang was not the least bit interested in receiving entertainment from this individual. Furthermore he was starting to feel insecure and unsafe which was just giving DeJang an appetite

" Okay young master. Might as well make this interesting. How are you related to the person you were just calling for right now? ", He waited for his response but he was not going to get one any time soon.

" How are you related to the young miss then? The one who is probably the same age as the one with the lady of the house?", he questioned feeling impatient. It's getting irritating to talk to someone as they walk away. He is starting to feel like he is desperate paparazzi or a moralless journalist that goes to the extreme to trouble others

Chiang turned nearly four times and then on the fifth, he has reached the porch side.

This room is coated by translucent, clear glass that is also very thin. It allows one to see what is happening outside and to have a magnificent view of the yard .The doors are made of slightly thin paper and allows a great deal of vision into the room. They are seldom closed as this place is a resting region except of course when there are visitors coming over.

There is a small stone-bordered fireplace installed and makes this surrounding very eccentric and marvelous , not forgetting relaxing and nostalgic

The room is akin to a royal personal living room in the value and effort contributed.

The graceful presence of large table about the same size as the one in the living room is inarguable highlight of carpentry at its best. This extraordinaire just that is usually low laying but it has adjustable legs meaning it can elevated or dropped if need be. It is made to accommodate for eight people and is covered with a woven mat with black cloth edges embroidered with a silver thread in the shape of leaves .

Today the legs were extended and the table was encompassed by white leather chairs that rest on dark brownish serpentine wood..

BaiSu was next to the lady of the house and she was trying to feed her some water . At the same time she would attempt to wipe away her unceasing tears

" Madame Yee, are you okay? ", Chiang inquired seeing that she looks like she was just pulled from the belly of a whale.

" Ian , my dear", she sobbed to him and her daughter hugged even closer. The daughter petted her mother softly like their roles were reversed . Her taps were so delicate and they seems like she was attempting to make her fall asleep instead of soothe her overwhelming emotions.

Chiang asked what is going on and the woman just wept while trying to call NaiWen s name. She shed tears to the point that Chiang thought that he had said something wrong and insensitive. Her feelings and her tattered heart were like she had witnessed NaiWen getting kidnapped or tortured

He rotated to observe behind him with the aim of scolding and blaming DeJang but he found the space him empty as his mind became.He scanned left to right and he shifted back into the room.

He overlooked the fact that DeJang disappeared yt he is sure that he was following him here.

" Junior Uncle Ian , these men with butter knives and ropes came here flying and they attacked older sister. She had been acting strange but they tied her up and said that they were helping us. They then told us to relocate here and their leader told us to move out tonight as they want to gather clues for what happened. ", She narrated with a sweet innocent voice that sort makes seem very young.

Her features do seem like she is in her teens as they are tremendously tender and fragile

Chiang has heard what she is saying from the two outside but didn't want to think if them as true as he is not into superstition at all. Of course he doesn't deny the fact that people can act strange suddenly but he doesn't want to believe that all the time they do act like that is because of a demon.

He is right because without this bad behavior , there would have never been demons. Demons are cooperative with the bad thoughts so when the thoughts become dominant they manifest into physical things that are powerful enough to control .

The logic is, bad thoughts cause demons not demons cause bad thoughts. One can't get possessed by a demon of jealousy if they have never had the need to be as such. One only becomes destructive when their envy gets out of control, becomes a demon and starts to control them.

" Where is brother Yee?", He asked turning back to the two but mostly questioning BaiSu.

" He stormed off to his office ", BaiSu answered and continued to massage her mother. She didn't seem to be bothered where he could be and how he could be handling this and Chiang didn't seem to be surprised by such a display

As he was about to leave and go search for him , BaiSu questioned him if they honestly going to leave. She said doesn't want to leave in some strange place.

" What!", He was startled. What strange place is she talking about? Brother Yee is a skin-coloring wealthy man and he would never take his family to some shady place . What for??!

" The atmosphere is very warm and you know that mom has bad tolerance to the heat. If we take her to such place that doesn't have the best air regulation, she might be poorly affected.", She spoke innocently but the way she was adding up her points suggests that she was leading to something else, something that Chiang won't like.

" What do you mean?", He asked her. His mind already knew what she was trying to say because it's clear as night and day.

" Can we live with you instead?", She asked sweetly and at that instant, she knew there was no way that he would refuse these words.

She wasn't counting on the fact that she regards him as his uncle or the fact that he is family but on the tact that Chiang is in some way a boot licker for the master of this house who treats BaiSu like a god and spoils her rotten. That being said meant that if he doesn't consider this he would be foolish and given his track record he should never refuse this kind of opportunity and can use it once more in his favor. But living with them is too.. unthinkable

Chiang clenched his jaw as he really doesn't want to look after people out of the blue. They know that society who thinks they are family, would expect him to agree and he ,who is a boot licker would do such a deed of course.

He turned around and he looked at BaiSu who was acting cute as if her intentions were pure and good but they were not.

' it's short notice, I don't want you visiting, laliala is running around my house naked and though she won't mind , I will. For peace sake, please someone say something ', his conscience begged him

" You can't move to a place with humans yet because you haven't been cleaned off for signs of bad energy. But we need you to move out quickly , to prevent further contamination and to contain and treat any pollution.its for the best to move to a guest house. ", DeJang told them and Chiang almost thanked them

Though he is crazy he is a wee bit useful in deterring this pestering girl. He was trying his utmost not to agree with the craziness that is happening but it seems like he is losing the upper hand

" Uncle Chiang, what do you think?", She gave DeJang a disrespectful gaze then she changed her face to butterfly mode.

" I think he should also prepare for a scan and then he can leave ", he answered and he peaked over him. It's like he was asking for him to chose between them too. How adorable!

Chiang looked to the side and when he did that DeJang winked at him and he wrinkled his forehead and turned to look to the audience ahead

" You aren't moving anywhere.this place is private can just come dressed like a puppet and make commands ", he remarked and scanned DeJang up and down.

" Ma'am!!", another maid came to explain that the bags have been prepared and that they have prepared everything else. Her unexpected entrance earned every s attention but Chiang s was designed in the realm of fury

" Are you serious? You actually called someone to haul you away because of their parables ? ", He barked and the young miss explained that they are sect master and they know what they are doing.

" Maybe you need a mental check. I am not arguing with their claims or their foresaken abilities. What am saying is they should back it up and that they should act with respect . They don't have a license, warrant or a certified personnel with them. Yet here you are acting like they write the constitution ", He explained and everyone realized what his problem was. He evaporated to find Yee

Though he was overacting and currently changing his statement, it kind of made sense why he is upset. But he is ignoring the fact that it was an emergency, there was no time to sit down and eat cookies while explaining the disorder .


" I will have to come back here .", MeiYang told Enlai and then he left the room to go back to the master of the house.

A few minutes later he reached his office and he knocked on the door.

It was silent so he knocked again . Consecutively he went into the office.

" Pardon me , I wish..", he arrested speaking because as he walked into the room there was no one inside.

He stared at the table and he got confused

" Where would he possibly go?", he questioned himself and then he turned back to the porch side