Chapter 30

Liuhe was digging up the whole yard and was sweating like a pig. The sun was burning and all the other cultivators were inside . Haoran had been helping but Meiyang sent him to buy acupuncture needles far away. He could have just used a strip but Meiyang seemed like he didn't want to have Haoran involved in this. Haoran didn't mind going through the unnecessary errand , atleast that way they wouldn't say that he is being a spoiltkid

" You know as much as I dissaprove of everything, you seem very suited to shovel", Chiang mocked Liuhe as he was seeping a glass of cold water under the shade.

He isn't supposed to be here . Master Yee had gone to handle foreign and he went to bid him farewell but he stayed .The exception was that Chiang stay away from the little miss but he said that Meiyang and his clan might do the unthinkable to her thus refused. Dejang told him that if he is courting for death,that is absolutely fine.after all the cultivators can only try so much to ward him from danger . Otherwise if he is so stubborn, then he must already built a grave for himself.

Knowing that should he get injured in anyway and the world is going take it as Meiyang's fault than consider how hothead Chiang is , Meiyang cast a spell around him to make him immune. Again he will also get in trouble if he doesn't carry out his job thanks to a single rich man. That being said after Haoran was sent away , Chiang locked the room while Meiyang searched some documents in Yee's study.

The shovel was indeed heavy for Liuhe. When he was studying cultivating, he was treated like a baby. Never doing any hard labour, at that time it seemed like Longwei was being wastefully soft on him but that changed after he finished the internship. All the dilicateness was dissolved and an unseen one bloomed for Haoran .

" With your gloryness, I don't think you understand how much I am trying?", He mocked him for being buttered

Chiang slammed the cup on the table before he furiously shot towards Liuhe then forcefully pulled the shovel from his hand . Liuhe went to the shade and took the water to drink, after all Meiyang put it there for him. Chiang dug all over the place, trying to prove that he was way much more stronger. Him doing that made Liuhe feel a little uneasy so he went back to him and snatched it back from his hands .

Liuhe lifted a piece of dirt and threw it in Chiang's direction. He smiled slyfully to show that he did it on purpose.Chiang cursed and started to ask him if he intends to grow up this way. He assumed because of Liuhe's looks , he must be a lot younger than him .

" Don't you have something to think SILENTLY about?", Liuhe barked him and he said NO!

Liuhe nearly slapped him as Chiang began to insult Liuhe's shoveling angles.

Liuhe genuinely doesn't believe that Chiang came all this way to observe the little miss since was he has devoted his attention to someone whose name starts with impatient and ends with Liuhe. According to Liuhe, Chiang seems objectified to frustrate him. Maybe he is reading too much into it because he has never had his patience tested like this. No one has ever dared to make the Zhao sect beauty fume like a volcano . Chiang snatched it back and he dug a few more feet away. With every hole he would make a comparison and belittle Liuhe .That proceeded to make him feel so annoyed .

He tried to free the shovel but they fought over it, another trying not to be rude and the other trying not be nice. After a struggle, Liuhe pushed him and Chiang tossed the shovel almost breaking Liuhe's legs. He angry escaped .

It was suddenly so peaceful for Liuhe. He felt irritated by Chiang's constant bickering that he is ears still hurt from it. Though he didn't realize it , it had distracted him from the fact that Meiyang didn't acknowledge him digging and called Haoran away. So much jealousy was born from that and a temporary distraction doesn't justify it.

As he was still thinking, a load of cold water poured of Liuhe

" ****", Liuhe cursed loudly but was soon throttled by some cold slim hands. He struggled to release them as they pushed him backwards . They squeezed harder and harder on him. And the more he tried to escape, it was useless because the magnetic field was denying him breathing .

He fought as he was rolling on the ground , trying to break the concentration but it was not helping at all .

Chiang who was inside heard the scream and it sounded like he was in trouble. He causally walked back and then he saw Liuhe kicking and swirling on the ground with his hair filled twitch sand and his face dirty to the bridge of no definition

" Yaah , what are you doing?", He frankly asked him

He moved closer to him and he poked him with the shovel that he was using.

" Zhao-sir , your minion is acting crazy!!", He yelled for Meiyangs

econds later , a fleet of birds cascaded the air and swelled around Liuhe . No later , some golden leaves encircled the birds and pressurized it . Soon after , Liuhe was rescued from the trouble.

He coughed and coughed . Meiyang went to help him get up and carried him away while YuFen came running

" We need those needles fast, she is still strong",

" But why would she try to kill him ?", Shangli questioned Meiyang , knowing very well that he doesn't have any answers

" There is something that is indeed hidden here.", YuFen concluded and everyone looked to each other

Chiang was looking at Liuhe gasping for breath. They were both confused about what was going on. Chiang nearly witnessed a murder and Liuhe only thought that Chiang was the one who attacked him. But somehow it seems like he was the one who saved him.If he hadn't screamed for Meiyang ,what would have happened?


Liuhe and YuFen made a dome around the area while Meiyang reinforced it . then everyone refrained from the house and yard by going to the furthest quarters away from the miss. Two hours later Haoran returned with the needles . Meiyang left to go stabilize her and repaired her meridians. He then paralyzed her so that she doesn't move. There is a rumor that repairing is a bit painful for non-cultivators but no one is sure about that because all cultivators feel nothing or rather the sting they feel is a drop in the ocean compared to what they have to handle.

He asked Haoran who had followed him not to go inside and just listen for anything from the living room. In the meantime Meiyang will go to check others outside. He also firmly instructed Haoran not to go outside because it's too hot . be that as it may, the real reason was that he was protecting him from the experience that Liuhe had . Meiyang depicted that the backyard is a hot spot and though Haoran has faced much more dangerous things , he doesn't want him to face them again on his account. In the backyard YuFen and Liuhe continued dig while Shangli was protecting and Dejang was scouting. These two are much stronger than Liuhe and YuFen so them protecting will be a lot safer and more efficient

They dug and dug

Through a subconscious connection , Meiyang could tell the little miss was getting very troubled, . Periodically he would squint his eyes as he felt her pulse raising and blood pressure elevating

In no time , Liuhe reached a container and when he pulled it out, it looked like white sand or ash.

Chiang moved closer to see what it was but just then for no reason apparently the bag exploded and the dust scattered everywhere. Among the dust were pieces of char.

Meiyang quickly opened his eyes and ran inside.

When he got there he couldn't see Haoran where he left him and assumed he went into the bedroom. His soul crashed as he ran to the bedroom.

He found Haoran struggling to remove the needles that were spiraling deep into her skin so much so that streaks of blood were flying out of the pucntures in multiple places and degrees.

He called the eighteen circumference leaf spell to put more pressure on her and thin her meridians but it was rather difficult because she was resisting. Haoran carried on pulling the nails despite the possibility of damaging her nerves .

After a furious five minutes , all the nails were out and she was calm.

" Are you okay?", He asked Haoran who nodded yes. His hands were trembling a little and his face visibly place and eyes reddened.

He moved and stood in front of him. His scrutiny level increased.

Haoran became tearful as Meiyang cupped his cheeks and he cried.Soon later he pulled himself out of his embrace and left the room

Meiyang is sure that something must have happened. Someone must have bullied him and as much as he would like to find out who did it and make them pay, Dejang told him that it only makes things worse. The sect members were sidelining Dejang and Liu BingWen was worried, for that reason Meiyang thought to correct them but Dejang refused saying they will feel uncomfortable around him more than ever. So in the case of Haoran, if one is being called a pet, and their master decides to call the bullies out. When the master is away , the bullies will be worse on the pet calling him a snitch.

But with all that known, how is Meiyang supposed to act like it's okay for him to see Haoran like that. Since he can't fight the bullies , maybe he should always keep Haoran close by. It's not like he would mind.

" Beautiful but vicious!", She murmured and without a second thought Meiyang stormed back outside finding Liuhe talking aside with Haoran

Judging from how he was staring at him , Liuhe was being spiteful again.

Meiyang burried all the fire he wanted to vomit and stormed towards Haoran then he pulled his arm away.

" By default any unused tool should be stored or throw away. ",Liuhe spoke with teeth clenched. He was angry that he had dust spray on him and thinks Haoran is being some type of prince of an unknown kingdom

Meiyang saw red . His blood boiled, his head crushed and his heart quickened . He felt his lips vibrating and his muscles freezing.

He slowly turned but before he could explode , Haoran pulled him away from the scene.

Immediately when they were all hidden, Haoran hugged Meiyang from behind.

" Please don't make things difficult", he begged burying his head between his shoulders and sobbing a little.

Meiyang kept fuming vehemently. All that colonized his brain was Liuhe's venomous tongue. Countless times he had told him to act like a righteous man but to no avail. Last time he made Haoran cry, Meiyang bluntly told him that he will kill him if he doesn't stop provoking Haoran.Today he was going to rip off his throat if Haoran didn't intervene .

Haoran raised his hand and massaged Meiyang's earlobes. Like magic, Meiyang melted into the normal Meiyang and his rage evaporated.

" Didn't I tell you not to hang around that fool? Didn't I tell you if you follow him I will tie you to my waist? Do you want me to actually kill him for you to stop being around the likes of Liuhe?", Meiyang roared

Haoran didn't respond. He knows that Meiyang will do anything for him. Most times he wished he didn't treat him like this so his life would be easier. But it feels so safe to have someone like Meiyang in his life . Even if he can only enjoy this treatment secret ,not that Meiyang minds making it public, at the end of the day he knows there is no one more important than him to Meiyang . Whether or not Meiyang is overly obsessed or extremely overprotective, it's a tender kind of feeling knowing all of his intentions are pure and unlimited as well as unconditional.

This Zhao heir doesn't even mind breaking his father's rules for him. Hopefully this lasts forever because if not , what number of stars would be able to light Haoran 's heart the way Meiyang does or rather what road would Meiyang's beacons continue light if Haoran isn't walking in it. All in all , Meiyang holds the light that brightens the darkenesss Haoran walks in and Haoran cultivates the garden that has blossomed in Meiyang's heart making him less of a vile beast and something close to human. Haoran can calm him down, distract , mock him and tease him in ways that have yet to be invented.

Meiyang continued to breathe so agrresively while Haoran spilled tear after tear. It must be a sin to have what they have but why does it to be so addictively sweet?