Chapter 31

" According to the novel, some Zhao member is going to come and interrogate Enlai because they think he is suspicious. I know that Enlai won't reveal a lot but the little he shares might help me help Meiyang so that he can probably give the king an answer before the man perishes to the afterlife ", Shejin spoke to himself as he was wearing a cloak over his girlfriend's clothes and heavy makeup. In other words , he had dressed as a girl and looked very much misplaced except for his face.

Even up to now , it still doesn't make sense to him how Enlai who is a member of the Yee family and the Mang's could end up being raised in a powder house like this . He is supposed to be in a hospital. Maybe this is a twist in the novel like all the others

At the same time that Shejin went into the inn , the green phantom was looking at him from a nearby rooftop. Afterwards it dissolved only to reemerge on the window seal of Enlai's room.

He searched for an entry for a good twenty minutes but was unsuccessful so he used the back door and slid inside the manor . Once inside, he stealthy climbed up the stairs which was aided by the fact that everyone was so preoccupied with lust. He forgot which room was Enlai's though it was clear mentioned so he did a trial and error which also consumed ten more minutes. He was getting worried because it said that Meiyang would arrive in no time and Enlai would have been in his room ten minutes prior.

When he got to the sixteenth door , he knocked softly on the panel. But just then his vision changed showing that a heavy and probably intoxicated radiation was coming to the door . He immediately moved past it and it showed an elegant one seating in the furthest room on the corridor. Wasting no time ,he decided to go towards it.

The door wasn't locked so he quietly entered the room and he scanned to find that Enlai had fallen asleep on the table.He couldn't see properly in the darkness so he thanked the stars for making Enlai asleep therefore he went and hid underneath the bed. He kept gawking at him from behind. For some reason it reminded him of Yongsun, who has been ignoring him for a couple of days. Ever since he was attacked, the distance between them has grown larger.

As expected twenty minutes later , Meiyang and Haoran showed up at the inn. Country to belief that nobles and priests tend to fear coming to this environment, Meiyang was rather poised for two reasons. One , if he falters , the audience might think he has come here for embarrassing business. And the second, he has to wear an amor of confidence for the little lamp behind him namely Haoran.

Haoran was shaking and just as Meiyang was about to hold his hand , Haoran pulled his arms into cross and sped forward. Inevitably Meiyang was really annoyed as it was akin to being slapped with goat-manure but he overlooked it because he knew what Haoran was trying to do.

" My.. my .. my... What do we owe the pleasure of such fine young men?", A voluptuous yet barely dressed lady spoke running to fondle with Haoran 's face. She played softly and seductively as if it was just the two of them. Even though she is a modern era lady, her behavior screamed of a sex-deprived nympho.

Meiyang stood frozen. it was the chance for him to save Haoran but he decided to let him be. After all Haoran seems to think it's okay for such a person to be touching him than him to be holding hands with Meiyang.

Confidently but definitely disturbed Meiyang passed right next to Haoran and the lady without saying or doing anything . Haoran knew what that meant and he so deeply wanted to apologize but it's really not beneficial for people to know the position of Haoran in Meiyang's heart. They are just... What are they?

He bit his bottom lip as he watched Meiyang walking off. He felt so bad but he really can't have Meiyang doing this everywhere. It's no secret that he could have invited Liuhe or Dejang to tag along but he insisted to have Haoran as was unsettled by the last episode of Haoran in tears

" Excuse, is ..Xiaolai in?", He asked a male worker who was delivering drinks and he pointed to the room above.

He wanted to call Haoran but he knew he was going to ignore him. So he just went alone.

While he was ascending the stairs, Shejin had already managed to adjust quietly and it was discomforted by how long it was taking. Plus Enlai's ribbon was diffusing thunder which was really making it hard to maintain stability

Just then a knock came on the door and Enlai was quick to respond that he was coming.

" Are you getting out of there or you would like to listen?", Enlai spoke out loud and Shejin got the chills.

So he knew he was under the bed the whole time. It was kinda of scripted that Enlai would be asleep with his door unlocked and windows wide open.

Receiving no response, Enlai stood up to open the door for Meiyang.

This is the first time he had seen him since at the mansion and he looks like he has had a great glow-up. For some amount of time , Meiyang was very much wishing that Enlai was a member of his sect so he can look at him everyday.

Enlai smiled and even though his face was interrupted but the ribbon, he was very handsome. But his face wasn't the only contributor as in the case of Liuhe but rather how youthful and elegant he feels around him. Nevertheless he is an amateur compared to Haoran or Yongsun

He moved to the side and invited Meiyang inside.

" My name is ..",

" Zhao Meiyang, junior cultivator of the south sect. You cultivate bad energy that comes from bad thoughts and ungood intentions . That energy causes people to act bad like the little miss. I need not worry , you will do your best to protect me",

Meiyang was struck, how does he remember everything that he said to him that day, let alone recognize him now. Even at this present moment he has covered his eyes with a blue ribbon that is so dense with medicine.

" I need to ask you a few questions about your relationship with the Yee family.", Meiyang didn't bother sitting down.

He wanted to support him incase he fell. Furthermore, his heart was beating too furiously to sit.

" Your breathing is unstable such is your state of mind"; "... but anyway I went there to visit the little miss but she started acting up and stormed out of the room",

" Why did you meet in secret? ",

" I am the illegitimate child of the Mang household. Little miss is a childhood friend of mine .",

This explains why Fang and the maids at the house treated Enlai with such gentleness but it still doesn't quite explain why they had to hide unless it implies that the families were in disapproval of their interaction. If so, why?

" Did you visit the Mang household recently?",

" Do you think I can!?", Enlai adjusted himself on the bed facing ahead while Meiyang was perpendicular to him

' that is really strange. He visits Yee then little miss acts up . No later something similar happens at the Mang household. ',Shejin had a similar thought to Meiyang

" Was there ever a child in the Yee household?",

" No!", He answered and then Shejin's eyes changed to pulsate.,

" I will visit tomorrow get some rest",

The interrogation lasted very few minutes and seemed forced so Enlai asked the real reason for Meiyang visiting. Without a response, Enlai stood up carelessly but Meiyang was quick to catch him thinking he would fall down.

" the bones you found , they aren't children's bones.", He whispered to Meiyang's ear

Meiyang has done many interrogations and whenever someone whisperers a breakthrough, it's either because what they are saying could cause trouble or they only want the interviewer to hear since someone else is listening

Meiyang turned away because the medicine from Enlai's ribbon was too flaming to the point of corrosion. He slowly lowered him down onto the bed and fixed his ribbon. He made small talk about the medicine Enlai uses but soon later he left . After the door shut, Enlai struggled to get up as his eyes were burning.

He tried to move to his nightstand to find a water bowl to rinse them but the water spilled off mysteriously running towards Shejin.

He rolled out from under the bed and saw Enlai already on the floor tapping the water to wash his face. He already peeled off the ribbon.

Shejin swiftly took water that was near the dressing table and he went to Enlai then washed his eyes for him. He repeated the motions as if it was his eyes . Just then Enlai clasped Shejin's hands and pressed firmly onto his face.

Shejin knows that the owners and inhabitants of this inn treat Enlai like garbage so he didn't even bother going to ask someone to come help. If anything, they put the wrong medicine on purpose to worsen his eyes.

The truth is that when Enlai was born , his father's mother put acid on his eyes because he was the child of a mistress. At just four days , Enlai's mother took him to a private hospital and his father has been secretly giving funds to the healthcare but clearly the greedy people are keeping the money to themselves .they just find ways to make him even more sicker so that the old man keeps bringing in more money. This of course was by order of Enlai's grandmother that they keep making Enlai sick so that he is kept under treatment far away. They were also paid for this .

Enlai's family recruited a team to discreetly care for Enlai but the money was too much so the leader opened this business and gave Enlai the top chambers. The grandmother tildate doesn't know that the lady she is paying to hurt Enlai is no longer a nurse and runs this place. Lately the owner hasn't been doing well due to old age and so her daughter is taking care of everything. But she is very cruel to Enlai as she doesn't know he is the golden pot. And the said girl is the one who was rubbing herself all over Haoran.

" Don't cry, I know it hurts ", he moved to hug him like how he did for Yongsun when he had a tommy ache. He had forgotten the difference between those two thereof he processed to rub his head

" I hate that old witch. She is the one who poisoned my mother, burned my eyes and she helped to kill brother Yee and little miss's child! ", He sobbed

Shejin nearly had a heart attack.

' Yee and the little miss! Aren't they father and daughter??',

" It's okay, I will make you something before I go", he comforted him but Enlai refused to let go of Shejin.

" You smell peaceful. Even though I can only see your silhouette, I would like to see what you look like when day time comes, so please don't go",

Shejin heard a familiar diabolic snicker by the window and when he was about to turn his head towards it , Enlai pulled Shejin's face backwards towards him.

' he can see the green phantom. How is that possible? ',

Before long the green phantom cascaded into the room and hovered right in front of Shejin. this frightened Enlai so much, he trembled in Shejin's arms

" Pathetic. I really wish to fulfill your desire to die but I still need to use you for something. Anyway, now I guess you know why that happened at that house", he spoke moving closer to Enlai but Shejin clasped him even more as if shielding him

" Back off ! ", It roared and Shejin played foolish to that. He is kinda of counting on that this scary thing doesn't seem to want to take his life

" Didn't you enjoy the beating from last time? ", It moved closer to his face but he carried on holding onto Enlai.

Out of spite from silent treatment, the smoke pulled Enlai by the foot and out through the window.

Shejin evaporated to look through the window and saw the poor child dangling on air.

He got startled and subconsciously he ran after him


Meiyang scanned the whole ground looking for Haoran. He tried to play it cool and leave him but he couldn't do that

" Excuse, have you seen a man in the same attire as mine? ",

" Uhmm, yes he was drinking with the boss lady in the private quarters down the hall",the same guy from earlier on directed him

Without even thanking him , he immediately zoomed towards that but just then someone yelled that they were being collided into. Meiyang turned and saw Shejin tumbling and running away .

" Jiulin..",

" Stop", someone cried and the fire in Meiyang was reignited

He bulleted towards the door and disregarding any manner of respect , he kicked it wide open and almost off the hinges.

He found the boss lady pressing herself over Haoran and his face reddened. A group of young girls were dancing flamboyantly all over and playing with each other

" What the hell are you doing??", His whip glowed and his talisman begun to float .

His body defied gravity and everything in the room begun to float . His blood darkened and his qi sought for murder. All his sense skyrocketed to lethal levels while his muscles were suddenly loaned the strength of Zeus as well as the cruelty of Hades . His body became a coven for disaster similar to his aura. Death became a part of the air running in and out of his lungs while diabolism became the fluid his cells bathed within

" Zhao-sir, you have no manners.. I thou...",

Slam ! Bang!

Meiyang lifted the table in front of her and threw it to the walls causing it to explode into a thousand pieces.

No later , a swarm of bouncers came into the room and stood in front of Meiyang. The second they did so he had them thrown and pinned to the walls of the room

" Meiyang , have you lost your mind?", Liuhe screamed behind. He had shamelessly followed Meiyang and Haoran.

He called a spell to stop Meiyang but it was effortless as Meiyang was too enraged.

Out of the blue , Haoran pulled the nearest girl and firmly pressed his lips on hers. He made sure that Meiyang saw all of that and without saying anything, he stood up and ran out

Like an iceberg melting and a mountain crumbling, Meiyang descended and landed softly on the ground..

He felt nothing


" Ohh , little Pigeon, you are still running after me?", the phantom chuckled as Shejin was bustling through the stress following .

After a tedious ten mile run and navigation, Shejin was bone exhausted but was far from giving up. Up nearing an alley, Shejin's legs gave up and he collapsed .

The phantom landed while it was holding dissolved into nothingness

It moved closer and closer to him but then its attire and form changed from smoky to a complete human . it was none other than Iseul.

He went closer to his pursuer and spoke in the same manner of distaste and mercilessness . He squatted right infront of him and tried to meet his worn-out eyes that were pumping like his veins and throbbing like his muscles

" I invited you to the library but you didn't come. Yet when a mere stranger was in trouble you didn't bother following your demise",he cackled and stood up ..

With his back turned to him , Shejin called a dose of air to construct a heavy sentence

" Because I always knew it was you", he answered before he passed out