Chapter 36

The plan was never to go with Shejin . But since him returning to the place without any groundbreaking information is useless, he decide to tag along. Moreover after Liuhe boldly asked about the talisman, Shejin announced that it was to help him gain access to resources that he would need. That being said, Shejin's first order was for Meiyang and Dejang to accompany him to the Mang's.

Just like the Yee's, the Mang's manor is a state of the art complex. It's packed sophistication from ground to roof. Every single element is pure and all the object are custom-made . Even the throw-in decorations seem to be exported from master craftsmen. In layman's terms it's a stunning creation with more than fifty rooms and ten individual structures.

Meiyang nearly squealed seeing such amazingness. His breath ran out of his lungs as his eyes absorbed this unrealistic level of beauty. it was too beautiful not to even compliment but his personality as an inexpressive heir of the south sect doesn't award him the privilege.

After Shejin showed his badge to the guard at the door ,they were escorted to the living room. They waited for a good ten minutes before an elderly lady came. She smelled very pleasant and looked extremely elegant in her clothes . the one repulsive thing was the level of makeup on her face that made her look like graffiti on a corpse. It was very thick but she didn't even seem bothered by it nevertheless it did little to hide the aura of depression and heavy thoughts.

" Who is Enlai and Bia?", Shejin quickly asked, which annoyed Meiyang who wanted to be the lead inspector.

In the original novel, Liuhe had been the one that Yongsun nominated to come here and as expected he was very rude in approaching the lady. Shejin can't quite remember it but this immoral display of character helped significantly which resulted in relationship improvement between Liuhe and some character!

As the lady fidgeted to Shejin's bombastic questions, Dejang was overloading everyone with fear . Nearly half the people in the room looked at him like a tornado while the rest were tense. The maids holding the trays of refreshments were practically shivering and the handmaidens were as pale as white jade . This sight bothered and shattered him so much but he couldn't leave because Shejin specifically asked him to stay near him.

Shejin looked at the woman acting all holier than though and it annoyed him as he knows how vicious this woman is . She wanted to sell her child to a middle-aged man and she injured her grandson for no solid reason.

" My son's son and my daughter's passed infant!", She stated it as a matter of a fact.

" Why is Baisu living with Minji?", He practically scolded her

" Minji is a lustful witch. Baisu was the one who was supposed to get married to Yee!",

Meiyang and Dejang looked at each other. This is the definition of a plot twist , a case- breaker and a polished turnout

It's an uncanning belief of blood purification. A sheer coincidence happened to kings during different reigns. A king had a daughter as his first born . The fortune tellers predicted that there would be bad luck so the king tried for a son only to get a daughter again. The spiritual men said the heavens would curse the second child. The first child is always considered as trial and error so the second is the real deal . Therefore if the second is a girl that implies that she is going to be coronated but it is extremely forbidden to have a female leader. Anyway after announcing the possibility of a curse to the crown princess, the king didn't even know what to do.

He gave a lot of sacrifices to the gods and prayed endlessly but in the end it seems she was cursed when she was found to be unable to conceive. Therefore the throne was shifted to the king's brothers.

For the second king the same thing happened but for this king , his daughter was killed by a servant sent by enemies. No matter how they looked at it, the kingdom considered it a curse and once again the throne shifted. When the third king experienced a similar fate, he married his daughter off to a wealthy man when she was five and he tried for a son. The heavens blessed him with one born on the solar eclipse. Ever since then, whenever people had consecutive daughters regardless of whether they are middle children or born last, they married the second daughter off at a young age to eliminate bad luck. Though there are still some misfortunate occurrence, they believe that they are so much more milder than the alternative.

" Well then. There is a paper that you need to sign. Baisu lost a lot of blood and her blood-type matches her sister. Since she isn't married, her spouse can't sign so her mother has to!",

" Never!", She immediately declared

She believes that Minji brought back luck to the family by taking away something that could have purified BaiSu's blood and fate. Moreover the trio didn't bring any sort of paper nor did Yee authorize a blood transfusion since no such diagnosis was made. Basically Shejin was talking about things that haven't been invented yet.

" Yee already agreed for us to help Baisu even if that means drawing blood from Minji. So after madame signs, we will give her blood",

" I said never! That witch gave my Baisu bad luck by marrying BaiSu's token of good luck. Because of her, demons haunted my daughter and you think I will allow you to pour her filthy blood into my beloved daughter. GET OUT!!",

the three were kicked out .

Dejang was the first to be ushered up since it was probably this unannounced discomfort that made the land lady on edge to spill the beans like this. but when Shejin saw the guard trying to escort Dejang, he rushed off and suddenly grabbed Dejang's arm and walked out with him.

Before long the doors were rudely slammed to their backs .as they stood there , Meiyang immediately suggested going to Enlai which Shejin agreed to. However Shejin said he couldn't go anywhere else and has to return to his duties back at the palace

Meiyang called Dejang without checking to look if he is coming along.

Shejin turned to look at Dejang standing behind him.

Dejang's arm was smoking black and it looked seconds away from a transformation but his body wasn't. Shejin raised his eyes to Dejang's and found they were puffy and dry. Before Shejin could say something, a foreign voice interrupted them , causing Dejang to walk off and break their contact

" Jiulin!!", A man came running to him

He slapped him across the shoulders making Shejin stagger. Afterwards he proceeded to compliment him for looking neat.

It's funny how he looks nothing like Ahmun but Shejin can't help but think of him everytime he sees Siwoo. Meet Siwoo. A very spoilt scholar who wastes his youth always exploring like a lunatic instead of studying. Siwoo is Iseul's studymate. Whenever he goes to the royal library to comprehend some books, he never leaves until he has bothered Shejin. The best way to summarize him is that his father is to the Mang's what Chiang is to the Yee's.

He pulled Shejin straight and looked at him from left to right. As he touched him, Shejin could smell a heavy saturation of leaves implying that Siwoo has been gardening again.

" Jiujiu, I haven't seen you in three weeks but you seem to have gotten shorter and more youthful!", He tapped him again ,he pulled Shejin to the side then begun talking endlessly for over ten minutes


" Mom!! I really don't like these kinds of food! Yongsun is too young to even eat them",

The voice of little boy from Shejin's dream reoccurred in his ears .

" Stop acting spoilt and eat you food. You know mommy doesn't have money!", She spoke


" Jiujiu! What's wrong? ", Siwoo asked Shejin seeing that he had spaced out . He tried to carry Shejin when suddenly someone pulled Siwoo's shoulder and dragged him far off.

Shejin raised his eyes and he saw a man .

Zhihuan answered that he had been entrusted to protect Shejin at all costs by the prince . Therefore he can't leave Shejin alone.Siwoo cursed Zhihuan and he walked back into the mansion.

he watched him adjust himself when suddenly the door where through open and the lady from earlier came flying through the door aiming for Shejin's neck.

the motion was too fast for Zhihuan to even intervene that in a matter of seconds , mysterious field pinned him to the wall . She pushed Shejin nearly twenty feet away whilst pressing firmly on his jugular vein.

Shejin rotated his left foot to a ninety degree angle clockwise, gaining him stand . He proceed to clasp her hand , twist it and fly overhead her. Before long he used his knee to push her to the floor.

" I can fight?", he exclaimed when the woman wailed the guarded sword in her hand to hit him but he grabbed it . unfortunately her strength was successful in gaining her an advantage. she then swang Shejin over her and threw him to end up rolling on the ground.

as he tried to stand , she was immediately throwing punches and kicks to him but he blocked and dodged all of them.

he called her to come down but it was futile. the audience was even worse because they merely watched as Shejin was being attacked by her. Zhihuan was nowhere in sight as the wall was gradually swallowing him alive

She raised her talons at him to pull of his nose but he grabbed the arm and used his elbow to punch her throat before lowering himself to trip her and practically swing her over the air and have her land flat on her back.

He rose his face to catch his breath when she grabbed his ankles and pulled as if trying to debone him. Shejin flew once more and and he also landed on his back. this motion awarded her momentum to twist up into the air and eventually stand.she outstretched her hand and the sword flew back to her. Due to the injuries, she oozed blood as she walked to Shejin.

Shejin mechanically turned whilst laying on the ground and saw the green phantom inside of her . She walked closer and closer to him .

" I shouldn't worry. In every novel , someone will suddenly stop her", Shejin told himself.

" Mom!!", Mang yelled in the middle of the crowd.

The lady turned with the sword still in the air . Mang took five steps when she unguarded the weapon and she sliced her own throat.

He bolted through the crowd and clutched onto his mother.

His eyes saturated in tears and he tried to touch her face .

" I thought you would forget everything about your wife if Xiao'lai was gone ", she told Mang who was perplexed.

Siwoo emerged from the house and ran to Mang then took his mother along with other maids to rush her to the health center.The words his mother said echoed in his ears that when everyone left with her, his legs couldn't bring him to follow along!

He looked to the ground and saw Shejin breathing heavily. He bent down to raise him and saw that there were a bit of blood and faint wounds

Shejin asked the man to leave him alone and that he did . Slowly and painfully he elevated himself and headed in an unknown direction.

Mang always knew that his mother didn't approve of Enlai's mother but to think that she would actually hurt his only son to dilute her rage was unforgivable. He had always relied on that the accusations of his mother's dark heart were all lies but today when the guard came to call him and told him the whole story , he nearly fainted.

All the chaos that is happening with his sister isn't due to Yee marrying Minji but rather the thorns inside Minji's mother's bitterness .

Mang wipped off the tears in his eyes and called the c

arriage to follow his mother. His heart has too much commotion but he can't let society know the secrets of his house