The Truth Unfolds

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Iseul attained form behind a pillar and exhaled. He just flew from the Mang's manor . It is all because of him that Mang's mother behaved that way. Of course her bad vices were the main reaction but to get that rattled over so little time required a catalyst which Iseul played as. Anyway as much as he liked to see Shejin looking that handsome and breathtaking, seeing Yongsun's talisman on him bred something unfavorable in him. This is added to that he has grown a dislike for him because he thinks Shejin is too nosy.It was so easy for him to be drawn to Shejin but now he can't say that magnetic field is still polarized . Two years ago when he met him for the first time, he thought of Shejin to be mysterious and reserved but this newly found bravery and forwardness is not Iseul's cup of coffee. .

Gracefully Iseul walked to the sitting arena. The advisors had called a prompt meeting with the entire royal family. There can only be one reason for this , that is to discuss coronation for the crown prince.

Yongsun was sat on a table infront of the throne. He refused to directly sit on the throne because he didn't want to cast a bad omen on the King. The officials glared amongst each other and would occasionally send words to Yongsun who responded by nodding or just giving short answers. It's evident that Yongsun's mind is light years away from the present moment. Even his appearance shows that his heart is outweighed however his beauty is doing a formidable job hiding this

Iseul melted down at the seat closest to Yongsun, opposite Xugang. He would rather be in the library right now but then again he would love to see the chaos and the look on Yongsun. Truth be telling ,he doesn't get accustomed to how raw and torn it was. They did grow up together and Yongsun was more of a bigger sibling than Xugang and Minhee combined. He was always happy when he ‍‍‍‍‍met Yongsun so it's easy to have developed a soft spot for him. And during their growth,Iseul went to study for five years in another province, Yongsun was the only one who wrote him more than two letters. To be specific, Yongsun wrote once every three weeks and sent many gifts to him. It did warm his heart when Yongsun did that but when he came back , Yongsun didn't seem like the angel that cared about Iseul because all Yongsun did was tail the King. To Iseul , the kindness that Yongsun showed felt like a hoax or a strategy to pass time . Til date they haven't talked about that nor does it seem like Iseul wants to . Another thing is they have grown extremely distant and are seldom in the same place. They have only ever had small talk five times lasting over two questions.

Iseul refrained to look at Yongsun and instead started to study the shameless vultures especially the royal messenger who always has a sly card up his sleeves. The number of times he wanted to eradicate this man from the face of the earth surpass those he wanted to confront Yongsun about his cold shoulder and behavioral difference. It's always his fault when Yongsun is upset . Either he suggests that Yongsun be recruited into the military, or an academy or just goes to another province like Iseul did. Maybe this profound hate that Iseul has is because he knows the viciousness of the homosapien-predator.

Yongsun paged his book and he reached for some papers but he accidentally tipped the ink of the table. Subconsciously he tried to wipe the table with a cloth but just made a mess. He turned to the side but it was empty. He probably thought that he would see Shejin or Zhihuan holding a tray for him but he didn't. He had forgotten that he sent both of them on a mission today. He actually wanted to be alone today and not have a single individual close to him but unfortunately the officials had already scheduled a meeting.

The first man stood up and brought the issue of Yongsun's age to the table. By custom, no one is allowed to officially be the crown prince without marriage as that might symbolize bareness which is bad luck to the kingdom. Yongsun hasn't been to any matchmaking event as his father hasn't approved of one. That is actually job of a female which in this case is Minhee's mother or Xugang's mother.

Hyanni boldly stood up and declared that she will bring eligible brides in the next five days .Iseul nearly chocked . He looked at her and then to Minhee. Minhee was gawking at her mother as if they already know something everyone doesn't. Basically that means this announcement is premeditated and that means they are conspiring.

From those damsels, she said Yongsun will chose a bride and three concubines if needed. Otherwise if Yongsun doesn't mind or if he is too busy , Hyanni volunteered to pickup the bribes.

Hyanni asked if Yongsun protests .

Yongsun had burried his head throughout the whole pitch. He even reached for the nearest thing and shielded his face from the audience with his long sleeves. It seemed like he was taking a sip of water but he wasn't. He was actually wiping painfilled tears from his face and the container he held was the messy bowl of ink.

Iseul could hear some tears that Yongsun missed drop down. His fist glowed under the table that he unintentionally brought the tea in his other hand to a boil. He gripped onto his garment so aggressively that his knuckles broke . Unfortunately the way he had gotten angry, caused the weather to change. Suddenly it got a bit dark and the sky dressed in shades of violet

Yongsun put down the object and nodded

" Use your words!", Hyanni violently barked at Yongsun

" I ... Agree to the ball", Yongsun stammered softly , raising his dried and helpless to the woman.

The quiver from Yongsun's voice showed that he was virtually on the bridge of tears. Iseul slowly sipped his piping hot tea. He tried to withdraw himself from the situation because he might end up piling bodies. To think that he is the culprit that made Yongsun this tormented doesn't award him the privilege to be angry nonetheless he doesn't want anyone else to cause Yongsun pain since theirs is on the basis of greed.

Hyanni kept pondering Yongsun with questions

A servant came rushing into the room and he collapsed in front of Yongsun. He raised his head to speak to Yongsun but Iseul promptly cast a spell on him. Iseul wanted to know the urgent thing before everyone else . Although he could have reached into the man's head before hand, he didn't have time to control everyone's minds and show up at the meeting. It would have been easier if he was not human as his human form is very limiting. This means if he released some spells now, he might destroy his mask which can only be fixed by many bloodbaths or a few heavenly sovereigns. And since this family is testing him by treating Yongsun like garbage infront of him, they might be holding a funeral instead of a wedding sooner than expected.

The messenger seemed a bit confused. He didn't know why he had came and so he looked around the room . For no reason he turned to Minhee who was seating next to Iseul. By default when Yongsun followed the man's eyes , his landed on Iseul. Meanwhile Iseul turned to the princess, he wondered what the confused man was signaling. out of nowhere he said that the king's doctor had just left a f the king requested for Iseul to go to his bedroom.

That discovery was news to Iseul as he didn't know that the doctor had came but how could he when he was out all morning.

Immediately Yongsun stood up . Iseul cast a spell on the servant that compelled him to announce that the king also wanted to meet Iseul therefore Iseul followed his cousin to the King's chambers.


Indeed the king's condition was worsening. His flesh was actually rotting while he was still alive and he was whistling in his breath . He couldn't even complete a single cycle of respiration without struggling. There was practically zero fat that could protect him and his whole body looked like a can of worms with veins protruding everywhere.

Yongsun's eyes blurred at the scene and Iseul was slightly pinched by the sight. Iseul knew that this man won't see the next full moon and to see how much it breaks Yongsun does make Iseul think that Yongsun is taking this way harder than planned

He turned away from the bed and he wiped his face of tears . Because he used his hands that haven't been rid of ink, his visage coloured black. To witness the man who raised him slowly perish and not having a single thing under the heavens that can save him was too much pain for him. He knew that it was definitely the work of magic but he didn't have a single way of solving it .

The king parted his lips and he called Yongsun. Despite his father calling him many times , Yongsun acted like he couldn't hear him. Iseul moved from where he stood and he answered the king. He didn't want to touch him to he used his sleeves to cover the fact that he hovered his hands over the bony frame

" My son, you are no child . Please get married soon and ascend the throne. I know I won't be around to see you walk around the holy fire but please let me know that you are..", he spoke causally and Iseul looked at Yongsun.

" The king wants his son to ascend the throne!", He barked at Yongsun.

He looked at him intensely. He went and separated their hands. He stared daggers at Iseul. The cold Iseul arose and towed over Yongsun. Iseul swiftly pulled the jade pin from Yongsun's , causing the strands to fall down . With it he elevated Yongsun's chin. At the same time tears streamed down his face and Yongsun's fists trembled as he clenched them .

" Don't you dare ! ", He yelled at Iseul.Iseul responded by further elevating his cheek. Pressing the pin against Yongsun somehow felt so petrifying as if he was about to get stabbed with it.

" I as the prince... ", Yongsun stuttered

" You as the what? ", Iseul barked.

Yongsun kept quiet. Iseul had pushed him in his place. Despite Yongsun being older than Iseul , Yongsun still got traumatized because Iseul is taller than him and his face never had a happy aura to it. He always looks calculating even when relaxed.

" The king is dying but YOU won't take his place!", Iseul stated to Yongsun.

Yongsun kept up looking at him and Iseul's eyes shimmered with a luster . The small black stains of ink on Yongsun's face suddenly faded away and the puffiness was erased. Traces of improperly shaved facial hair were diminished and Yongsun felt his face get firmer. Colour like humidity returned to his face and pumped him up . In conclusion Yongsun looked smoking hot like on other days. Iseul let go of him and walked off.

Yongsun caught his cousin's arm forcefully and called Iseul 'Yongsun' .

His soul hurt, his heart ached and his living shattered. He didn't know what to feel and what to think. Everything felt too heavy and too cruel. Although he looked like a fairy with his beautiful face revitalized , it was just dense makeup. Tears didn't stop falling and thus sobbed so hurtfully that he could barely breathe through the streams

For some reason this moment , this tension brought back memories of the scene from seven years ago when Iseul was supposed to go and study.

The whole family had gathered in front of the kingdom and three carriages awaited Iseul. Both he and Yongsun were dressed the same . The crown prince who was still short at the time had added paddings to his shoes to look the same height as his cousin. His face was drained of colour and his eyes faint of life.

Iseul on the other hand was crying like a baby while he looked at streams flowing down from Yongsun's face effortlessly. Without word Iseul went to Yongsun and he hugged him. He clutched onto him so tightly but Yongsun didn't reciprocate the genuine display. It was as if this was the last time they would ever meet and Iseul felt enormously guilty for the pain that he is causing to his little cousin

After releasing him from the hug, Iseul wiped the tears off Yongsun's face and padded him to come down. He cried more than Yongsun but he kept telling Yongsun to stop crying.

While at that , the carriage driver informed Iseul that it was time to leave.

Yongsun remained frozen. It was as if he was sure his heart couldn't break any further but it did. He didn't realize when but his cousin had climbed the carriage that journeyed away. Reasoning and logic escaped him so his heart took reigns of his decisions

Minhee was talking endlessly and Xugang kept hushing her. The two royal ladies faked sadness but it was clear that they didn't care. After a few seconds, Yongsun blast off running.

The king stopped everyone from following his son. Everyone got into awe !

Ten minutes later , the carriages came to a halt and when Iseul peeked outside , he saw Yongsun panting while running towards the carriage.

He quickly opened the door to meet Yongsun . He ran to him and when Iseul opened his arms for Yongsun , Yongsun didn't obey . He ferociously pulled Iseul by the collar and slammed him onto the floor. he ran back to the carriage. Immediately before Iseul could react, the carriage drove away with Yongsun inside.

Now it was Iseul's turn to scream the crown prince.

The carriage went further and further , increasing pace despite the cries and wails . Iseul tried and tried but he just couldn't run anymore. His body was already tired from endlessly attempting to get accustomed to the idea of leaving elsewhere for five years . He passed out while calling Yongsun.

When some guards arrived with the king , they found Iseul unconscious. Because the two boys had dressed the same and because Yongsun was the one who ran after the carriage, they thought of Iseul as the crown prince.

Little did they know!